The Motley Fool Canada

The Motley Fool Makes 5G Buy Alert

By: Jared George

It’s a bright blue ocean of opportunity…

It’s on track to reach $17 trillion by 2035…

And there have even been calls by the president of the United States to nationalize it…

5G is one of the greatest arrivals in technology since the birth of the internet.

And in 2021… we could see an onslaught of new wealth-building opportunities that would potentially dwarf any that came before them:

Bigger than the dot-com boom
• Bigger than the Bitcoin boom of 2017
• Bigger than pot stocks

It’s no wonder that the president recently urged Apple’s CEO to get involved with 5G…

And that the Washington Post declared 5G “the mother of invention”…

5G has the potential to radically change our lives and society as we know it.

But if you’re an investor, the implications are even greater — and potentially much more lucrative.

You see, right now we think there’s a perfect storm being created by some of the biggest tech titans in the world… with each one fighting tooth and nail to win the 5G arms race.

Most of these companies – including Samsung, Verizon, and Apple — are being eyed by investors looking to turn a quick buck…

But the smart money is doing something different…

And homing in on smaller stocks that are out of the public eye.

Stocks that:

Serve the 5G industry in a unique way that few — if any — can replicate
• Have high switching costs — meaning their customers can’t switch to another service without paying premium costs
• Have the potential to return at least 6X their value over the next decade

Companies like these are few and far between… and usually only insiders with Wall Street access and round-the-clock research teams can spot these profitable opportunities before they take off.

Fortunately, Motley Fool’s Canada’s Chief Investment Advisor, Iain Butler, and his team of experts have their fingers on the pulse of 5G…

And they have identified one under-the-radar East Coast company that they think has cleverly positioned itself to dominate the 5G industry with its unique business model and technology.

It’s a company you rarely hear about when it comes to 5G…

That’s quietly making moves that could see its stock blast like a cannon when 5G goes mainstream…

(Which Forbes predicts will be this year).

But first, it’s important to understand that this isn’t the first time we’ve caught wind of small companies with huge upside potential…

In fact – and not to brag — our ability to spot tech trends before they take off is somewhat prophetic.

Like in 2016, when we noticed an uptick in online commerce…

And recommended Shopify — a then virtually “unknown” company that allowed everyday people to set up their own online stores in just minutes — for a whopping 2,276% gain!

Or in 2017, when virtually no one knew about programmatic advertising…

Yet our team, seeing the potential in Jeffrey Green and his company, The Trade Desk, recommended it to members for a 943% gain.

A $10,000 investment in each of these would have bagged you over $400,000!

(And that’s NOT including some of our other famous picks, like MercadoLibre, Veeva Systems, MongoDB, and more)…

Which brings me back to the 5G play that’s right underneath your nose today…

You see, our team of analysts doesn’t choose stocks based on popular opinion…

They make their decisions on the BIG profit potential a recommendation can deliver to our members.

And right now — at this historic moment — there’s one stock that’s got our attention.

It’s a stock that doesn’t really trade as a “5G” stock…

(Which is why it’s so perfect)…

And it’s still relatively small and “unknown.”

To learn more about it and its revolutionary potential to change the industry — and potentially your bank account — please enter your email below to get the full scoop.

Because if there’s one stock for the coming 5G boom, this could be it.

Returns are updated during market hours. Jared George owns shares of Apple. David Gardner owns shares of Apple and MercadoLibre. Iain Butler owns shares of Apple and Shopify. Tom Gardner owns shares of Shopify and The Trade Desk. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Apple, MercadoLibre, MongoDB, Shopify, The Trade Desk, and Veeva Systems. The Motley Fool recommends Verizon Communications. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Past performance is not a predictor of future results. Individual investment results may vary. All investing involves risk of loss.