World’s Richest Man Prepares to Unveil 2022 Breakthrough Experts Predict Could Be Potentially 55X the Size of Tesla’s Revolution

Why is he publicly exclaiming that we as a society are “summoning the demon” through this latest technological breakthrough? Moreover… why does he seem downright EXCITED about it?

Meanwhile, the stakes for everyday investors are mind-boggling. As tech stocks continue to melt down, the sector this visionary entrepreneur has turned his gaze upon in 2022 could provide the ultimate safe haven — while having upside potentially 55X that of the sector Tesla birthed.

After following the breadcrumbs on this story for years now, I’ll reveal my THREE breakthrough predictions for 2022 (you will think I’ve gone insane; the data proves otherwise). “Breakthrough Prediction No. 1” could be set to go down within mere weeks.

Fair Warning:

Fair Warning:

Your complimentary VIP upgrade will be available for a short time only! So read on for all the details now…

end introcontent

Dear fellow investor, Today I’m going to break down how the world’s richest person plans to use what may be the fastest growing technology ever to potentially change the course of human civilization as we know it. I can safely say that in more than a decade working as the resident “Next Big Thing” expert at The Motley Fool, this is the most exciting revelation I’ve had to share with anyone. Ever. And when you consider I’ve been The Motley Fool’s point person to peel back the curtain on radical trends ranging from augmented reality to 5G… crypto to the next era of energy… biotech to the future of entertainment… You can see why that’s no small claim. But as much as I want to dive right in… We have to take just a couple minutes and begin with a look at the market today. As the old saying goes, “May you live in interesting times.” And you’ll probably agree these are among the most interesting times we’ve ever seen in the market. I hear from a lot of our members, and they’re understandably focused on recent volatility that’s been shaking the markets. We have another surge in Covid, we have interest rates rising, and, as we enter 2022, it sure feels like market conditions have taken a dramatic turn from the past couple years. So, while I’ve spent years researching the technologies that I’ll reveal today, and I had been planning to share an update with members in the coming months… When I saw what was happening across the markets and the volatility occurring across many of our members’ favorite stocks, I went right to my boss and said, “This. Can’t. Wait.” Because while I truly believe the information I’ll share today could shape the market for decades… More important is that it could change how members like you could invest RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT. Now, the key questions I see popping up over and over again from Motley Fool members are:
  1. With so many stocks “on sale,” where should I be looking around for opportunity?
  2. Are there stocks I should be selling today?
  3. Where is The Motley Fool’s highest conviction at this moment?
I can say with confidence that I think the information we’ll be sharing today will provide clarity to all three. Today is all about a massive catalyst I believe can create incredible amounts of demand and sales growth for select companies in 2022 and years to come. In fact, we could just be mere weeks away from its effects beginning. Unfortunately, many investors in the market right now are looking at their portfolios right now and saying: “Have you seen this volatility? Tech stocks are getting hammered and the last thing I’m worried about is trends!” I think that’s exactly the wrong perspective. Because, in economic terms, a lot of portfolios have become too tilted to what in economics you’d in the past call a “demand shock”… … And tilted away from where the growth in 2022 and beyond appears to be headed. If you’ve been perusing the financial media of late, you probably have one question in mind:

Is this a “tech meltdown”?

I wouldn’t blame you for thinking so, considering how much I keep reading those same headlines. On the other hand, if I asked you: “What index tracks the performance of U.S. tech stocks?” I think everyone watching today would quickly answer, “The Nasdaq.” And yet, the Nasdaq gained 21% in 2021. You look at a one-year chart of the Nasdaq and its recent decline barely registers as a blip.


Chart refers to US markets.

Now, while indexes are not incredibly far from all-time highs, it is true the performance of a lot of individual stocks has become extremely volatile over the past two and a half months. And there’s definitely a “macro” side to this that has to do with interest rates, which I’ll talk about that shortly.

But first, I need to talk about Covid.

I’m going to put this bluntly: We are coming off one of the biggest one-time economic catalysts in human history. And it ENTIRELY drove markets in 2020 and 2021. I know it might sound odd to call Covid a catalyst. But in purely economic terms, that’s exactly what it became. It took a certain kind of company — think remote work, e-commerce, and cloud software — and suddenly gave them multiple years’ worth of demand and sales growth. Sometimes in just a couple quarters’ worth of time. So, with Covid cases in the United States now at 3X their previous peak, wouldn’t you expect those same companies to see increased demand in 2022? The truth is it might be the exact opposite. Let me show you why, in numbers. Remember, the market values everything on a forward-looking basis. And since Omicron began skyrocketing Covid case counts, worldwide deaths are actually down across the same time. That’s obviously due to a number of factors, and I’m not looking to get into the political side of any debates… But I am making the key point that a Covid variant that spreads far more but has dramatically fewer fatalities can shift the discussion FROM lockdowns and tactics that drive growth to remote work, e-commerce, cloud software, and other sectors of that ilk… …TO ways for societies to live with Covid. In short, it dries up the “demand shock” these companies experienced the past two years. Again, this isn’t political. I just want to present the numbers on some notable “Covid winners.” You can see Zoom Video Communications, the poster child for Covid demand. The year before Covid, its growth rate was 88%. Across 2020, it was 325%. The last twelve months it was 100%. Next year, it’s forecasted at 16%. The year after that, it’s 17%. The year after that, it’s projected at 18%. Which is to say, the future forecasts have growth at less than one-fourth their pre-Covid levels. How about another big-time lockdown winner in Peloton? Before Covid, in fiscal 2019, it had scorching 110% growth. In 2020 that growth was 100% as the company’s products were supply constrained. In 2021 it jumped to 120%. 2022 it’s projected to see… 11% growth. 2023 it picks back up to 26%. But again, that’s well below the highs of the past few years. Of course, stocks like Zoom and Peloton are just a tiny fraction of the market, and it’s fair to say the recent sell-off is far more widespread. Again, I’ll just use numbers to illustrate the challenge a lot of portfolios are facing. Let’s just say, headed into 2020 you had a hypothetical $1,000,000 portfolio that was:

80% in market indexes

5% in Sea – a high-growth e-commerce leader

5% in Twilio – another high-growth company in front of big messaging trends

5% in Atlassian – a company leading enterprise software shifts

5% in Roku – a leader in connected TVs


Chart refers to US markets.

That’s four companies involved in four seemingly different trends. And, in general, a fairly diversified portfolio. Well, fast-forward to Halloween of 2021 (just three months ago), and that $1,000,000 portfolio would now be worth almost exactly $2,000,000. Which is an awesome return. But note one thing: That group that was once a small sliver of the portfolio is now almost half!


Chart refers to US markets.

And while all these companies are attacking different trends from TV, to online sales, to enterprise software… At the end of the day, they’re all software companies that are either unprofitable or expensive — stocks that often take outsized hits when interest rates suddenly rise, and also all benefited from that Covid “demand shock.” Which is to say, a lot of investors saw their portfolios rapidly consolidate into a group of companies that are now on the wrong side of near-term market trends.

So, what’s the solution — just sell out of the tech sector entirely?

I think that’d be a big mistake, and here’s why. I mentioned earlier that while a lot of stocks have seen large declines, the Nasdaq itself was up 21% in 2021. So, there’s a divergence, and it’s mostly explained by the performance of big tech stocks. They’re so big, they now account for most of the U.S. index. Rising U.S. interest rates — as I just mentioned — tend to cause a flight from risk, often hitting unprofitable or very expensive stocks. On the other hand, these tech mega-caps are generally VERY profitable. But looking at their performance, something jumps out. If we rank the “Big Tech” stocks from top to bottom, you’ll see the lowest performer in 2021 was Amazon at just 2%.

The No. 1 Beneficiary of Musk’s All-In125%

Google (Alphabet)65%



Facebook (Meta) – 23%


Amazon is no longer the profitless force it once was — the company made US$28 billion last year, for Pete’s sake. But it was the company on this list that benefitted most from that “Covid Demand Shock” that I mentioned earlier, as e-commerce sales skyrocketed. Now, look at the top of the list, which I’ve labeled as the stock that’s “the No. 1 Beneficiary of Musk’s All-In.” It performed 63-fold better than Amazon in 2021. Don’t worry, I’ll give you its name shortly… (it’s not Tesla). But what I believe this shows is… if you’re an investor who’s been frustrated by recent market volatility, today could be exactly what you need. I’ll discuss in-depth strategies for not only getting a portfolio in front of the massive catalyst I believe is set to begin in 2022… But also, how this trend could shift portfolios to be more diversified, and to companies outside the digital world that make real things, are profitable, yet still have the tailwind from this massive trend at their back.

To do that, I’ll need to get back to Elon Musk and the research I’ve been building on his business empire.

I imagine when people think about Elon Musk, they think Tesla. Understandable. But his impacts across the world are much, much more substantial, and I think that’s one thing people really underestimate about Musk. His visions are so grand, he’s not just creating companies; he’s creating entire eras. He’s generated incredible amounts of wealth outside his companie. Just as one quick example, take Ford. The old school car company that IPO’d in 1956 just hit US$100 billion for the first time, thanks to enthusiasm for electric vehicles. Now, consider that despite Ford recently hitting these dizzying heights, the breakthrough we’re going to discuss today is projected to reach 55X the size of the electric vehicle industry. Not by 2050. Not by 2040. By the end of this decade. And just think about the tailwind this catalyst can potentially provide IF investors position their portfolios with the right companies!

So, let’s dive a bit more deeply into exactly what Elon Musk has been up to…

People out there know that he’s now the world’s richest person after surpassing names like Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg. You look at those names and one thing jumps out to me… Warren Buffett made 99% of his wealth after he turned 50. Guess who just turned 50 this past year? Elon Musk. Which is to say… look out, world! And I should also note he was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2021. To go from Person of the Year in 2021 to maybe changing the course of human civilization in 2022? I don’t think impressive even begins to describe it. So let’s start by talking about Tesla and its impacts. Now, obviously today, people know Tesla for two reasons. One, its incredible returns. Especially across the past five years, as Tesla hit mass production.


Chart refers to US markets.

As you can see, Tesla’s returns have been positive every year in that span, and peaked at 743% in 2020. Since its IPO, Tesla has returned more than 24,000%. That’s outperforming every large cap in the U.S. S&P 500… Every midcap in the S&P 400… And even every single small cap in the U.S. S&P 600. Yes, it’s truly a clean sweep across every category possible. Absolutely incredible performance, and from a car company, no less! Which brings me to my second point… Generating these kinds of astronomical returns from a car company is simply mind-boggling when you consider that before Tesla started this new era in cars, there hadn’t been a single new American car company that reached scale and sustained success in close to 100 years. Every major automotive brand aside from Ford has gone bankrupt. Or as Musk succinctly put it recently:

“There have been hundreds of automotive startups, both electric & combustion, but Tesla is only American carmaker to reach high volume production & positive cash flow in past 100 years.”

-Elon Musk

Point being, a decade ago, virtually any investor would have told you the single worst place to put startup money was cars. And still, Musk overcame all of this. Now, here’s the key idea: Because Musk created an entirely new era, it’s not just Tesla anymore. After 100 years of futility, investing in the automotive space is now more dynamic than ever.

There’s Lucid, an electric startup worth US$70 billion.

Rivian, another startup is worth US$72 billion.

Then there’s the global view, with Xpeng out of China worth US$43 billion and NIO worth US$49 billion.

And I already spilled the beans on the biggest whopper in the space, thanks to electric car enthusiasm… Ford — yes, old school Ford — just hit US$100 billion for the first time ever. We’re seeing the truth that many wise investors know: A rising tide lifts all boats. I’d rather buy a mediocre company in an industry with HUGE growth potential than a good company in an industry with no growth potential. Speaking of growth, there is a ton of it in electric cars. Here’s the past demand and the future projected demand for the batteries that go in electric cars.


Chart refers to US markets.

Demand for electric batteries is up 1,052X since 2010.

But just look at the chart, and you can see how much projected demand growth still lies ahead.

Meanwhile, electric vehicles are expected to grow from US$287 billion in 2021 to US$1.3 trillion by 2028. You look at these charts and can easily tell, they look very different than the charts we saw earlier with Zoom and Peloton. I think that speaks to what drives demand for cars. Whether that’s going back to work in the office or travelling, there’s an uptick in expected demand when looking at those activities going forward. The trend around electric vehicles is so large it creates a lot of very compelling opportunities beyond software… Allowing investors to avoid having a portfolio too overloaded with highly valued software companies that are suddenly seen as “too risky” in a rising interest rate world. A few examples:

The largest lithium ETF — no need to cherry-pick the performance of any one company — is up 196% the past 3 years. True industry-wide performance.

Here’s a stock idea I absolutely love. One of my favorite semiconductor companies is ON Semiconductor, and the reason is simple. For “old fashioned” internal combustion cars, the company can sell about US$50 to US$100 in chips. In EVs, the company usually sells US$500. In self-driving cars, the company gets US$1,800.

With up to 36X more revenue sold per self-driving car than today’s common cars, you can see how if a huge catalyst hits in 2022 around self-driving vehicles — a little spoiler, we’ll get to that later — they could soar. I think Wall Street is catching on, too. Here’s just take a peek at how ON Semiconductor has done while most tech stocks “melted down” the past few months.


Chart refers to US markets.

Its share price is skyrocketing! And then one final example: As I mentioned earlier, Ford just crossed US$100 billion for the first time, and even GM is right near its all-time highs. All the industries I mentioned are very different, from commodities… to semiconductors… to 100-year old car companies. But thanks to Musk, they have the wind at their back and they’re responding much differently than the high-growth tech stocks we discussed earlier. So once again, my question to everyone watching today…

If the economic impact of the technology I’m about to reveal truly does end up being 55X bigger than the entire EV market today…

How can you NOT consider putting at least part of your portfolio in front of these trends?

And while it’s an exciting era in cars, Musk has done a lot more than “just” re-shape the entire automotive industry. He also has his sights set on the moon… And beyond. This is why I say Musk’s visions are so much grander than anyone realizes. He really does put his efforts behind what he believes is best for human civilization. And that’s where space comes into play. Musk dreams of making humans what he calls a “multi-planetary species.” It might sound a bit out there, but let’s just look at what he’s already accomplishing. First off, the new rocket from his company SpaceX is named Starship. If you’ve never seen this thing, it’s an absolute sight to behold. First off, it’s 394 feet tall, or about the same size as a 40-story condo skyscraper… It’s that big, and then it launches into space! It’s twice as tall as the last space shuttles we sent astronauts to space in. Even more impressive, the plan is that the rocket will:
  1. Launch cargo into space…
  2. Fly back to Earth without a pilot
  3. Land upright on its launch platform, then…
  4. After some maintenance, launch again!
Stuff like this is crazy. And beyond bringing massive payloads to space like satellites, Starship is being built to carry 100 people on space flights and already has a contract to land the first astronauts on the moon since 1972. If you know anything about the space race, you know it was awe inspiring, the limit of human accomplishment. Unfortunately, our space program is in such disrepair that:

We haven’t landed anyone on the moon in fifty years.

Recently, we couldn’t even send astronauts into space because our space shuttles were no longer deemed safe.

Most embarrassing of all, we were having to use Russian rockets just to get astronauts back to space.

Elon Musk fixed that. All of it. There’s really nothing more to say. Musk’s space ambitions include:

Space launches that could cost just 1% of the cost of today’s NASA launches if his plans pan out.

Musk has a contract to send astronauts back to the moon — which could happen as soon as 2024 — and he’s aiming to send humans to Mars by 2026.

Plus, he’s blanketed the world in high-speed internet from satellites potentially providing the 4 billion people without Internet access a lifeline to the modern world.

I know, it’s totally outrageous when you see it all laid out in front of you. And once again, when Musk has set his mind to something, our research shows we’ve historically entered a new era. Unbelievably, the profits for a lucky few have been even greater from space than the Tesla IPO. Earlier I mentioned Tesla was up more than 24,000% since its IPO… Well, SpaceX is up 533,510% since it first raised money in 2002. The only problem? It’s private. Point being — while I’ll concede space is years behind electric cars — once again, Musk does something bold and a new era gets created. And that new era is filled with massive opportunities to potentially profit.

If I’d told you a few years ago that SPACE STOCKS would be one of the hottest IPO sectors, what would you have said?

Probably something along the lines of, “What’s a space stock?” The mere idea that we’re investing in companies across space is totally wild, but thanks to Elon Musk, that’s the reality we live in today. Recently we’ve seen IPOs from more than a half dozen space companies such as:

BlackSky – Real-time geospatial intelligence

Spire Global – Network of 100 satellites

Momentus – “Space Tug” company

Rocket Lab – Pure-play launch company

Astra – Specializes in smaller rocket launches

Virgin Galactic – Space tourism

AST SpaceMobile – Global broadband from space

Redwire – Space infrastructure

Just my opinion here, but I personally wouldn’t invest in space stocks at this moment. They’re still risky, and they require a lot of debt… meaning they’re in the crosshairs of the same troubling “macro factors” we discussed earlier. But the key point is that when Musk gives his Midas touch to an idea, we’ve seen the launches of NEW ERAS. Keep in mind that SpaceX is up more than 500,000% since its founding, thanks to the potential of this industry… Global space — one of the hottest IPO markets last year and an industry I’m confident is still in the first inning of its development and growth — is projected to be a US$47.6 billion industry by 2030. The market Musk has gone “all-in” on in recent years and is prepared to unleash a series of massive breakthrough across 2022…. Well, projections for its economic impacts are precisely 329.8X bigger than the space industry. The future is uncertain, but let’s say this estimate is off by a factor of TEN. Let’s just really bring down the expectations the experts have set for it… Well, that would still be more than 30 times as large as the space industry… Which, again, is not only one of the hottest IPO markets… but it’s where SpaceX has seen 533,000% gains in the private markets. There’s a reason I felt compelled to bring this information to Motley Fool members today… The growth catalyst Elon Musk could be creating in 2022 and beyond is simply off the charts. This is once-in-a-lifetime stuff.

Let’s get to the main event, shall we?

We’ve talked about the unique market conditions that make this opportunity all the more time sensitive. We’ve talked about Musk’s history, including how he:

Revolutionized the car industry after hundreds of startups went bankrupt over the past century.

Has a contract to send people back to the moon after a 50-year absence.

And is blanketing the world in high-speed internet after more than 25 years of past high-profile failures on that front.

But what we haven’t talked about is what Musk could possibly have planned NEXT. I said earlier that Musk’s ambitions are grander than I believe just about anyone realizes. So, would it be shocking while others have been focusing on catching up to a single aspect of what he’s been doing, whether in cars, or rockets, or satellite internet… …He’s been putting together the final pieces of the puzzles on a technology which could be more ambitious than anything he’s ever tackled?

Here are my bold predictions for 2022:

  1. Elon Musk will unveil a “fundamental leap” that takes self-driving cars into the present. Now, you’ve assuredly heard of self-driving cars by now. I’ll explain in just a moment why I believe 2022 could bring a breakthrough that’s never happened before. This could begin in mere weeks of time.
  2. Musk will complete his vision of building the biggest robotics company in the world. Now, this one gets… a little crazy; you won’t want to miss it!
  3. Musk will initiate the first trials of making humanity something entirely new — superhumans. I know that sounds bold, but it will begin with an innovative way to let the paralyzed walk again.
These predictions likely seem farfetched, but they’re really not. In fact, they’re the result of Elon Musk’s near decade-long obsession with a single technology. And in a moment, you’ll discover clear evidence of how that obsession grew across the past decade. I’ll show you a series of quotes from Musk that — despite being on the public record — I believe show a clear path to the breakthroughs I believe will be announced during 2022. Meanwhile, the stakes of what we’re about to discuss? They’re nothing short of enormous. The “prize” Musk is targeting is not simply bigger than Tesla… Once again, it’s projected to be 55X bigger than all EVs were this year. And 330X bigger than estimates for the space market by 2030.

Simply put, it’s a plan so vast and ambitious, only someone of Musk’s wealth, vision, and drive could even attempt it…

Let alone potentially pull the final pieces together in 2022!

Now, the main technology we’ll be discussing today is artificial intelligence. You may think you KNOW the story behind AI, but in a few minutes you’re going to understand why it could be entering a brand-new era. AI is a long-standing obsession for Musk. To demonstrate, I’ll dive into a couple quotes from him. They are, to put it lightly, striking. First this from October 2014…

“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that…. With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon…

-Elon Musk, October 2014

Second, a quote from Musk in August 2017…

“If you’re not concerned about AI safety, you should be. Vastly more risk than North Korea.

-Elon Musk, August 2017

It would be a bit less striking if these quotes weren’t coming from a genius — now the world’s richest person — with a staff full of AI experts across multiple companies. I certainly wouldn’t want to doubt him, even if some of those quotes are, on the surface, pretty shocking. To understand the full scope of what’s going on here, though, I need to dive just a bit deeper on what artificial intelligence actually is. Don’t worry, I won’t need to get overly technical to explain it. The first thing to know about AI — and I know this sounds crazy — is it’s about creating computers that function like brains. After all, it’s called artificial INTELLIGENCE for a reason. The next thing to know is that for a long time, AI was terrible. It’s why in the 70s… 80s… even through the dot-com boom and into the 2000s and ultimately the smartphone era, artificial intelligence was something reserved for the movies. There were very few tangible impacts on the real world. The bottom line is that unless you’re quite young, for the vast majority of your life artificial intelligence has been something very different than what it’s become today. But that’s all suddenly changed…

And now AI is progressing at a pace I’m confident is faster than any technology in history.

Here’s why…

The stock market moves because of rising productivity. We get more efficient as time goes on. Isn’t it great to not have to stand in line at a supermarket while 15 people write out checks and instead have credit cards for instant checkout? This progress is seen across practically every industry on Earth. But underpinning all this technological advance has been a simple law you may have heard of, known as Moore’s Law. To simplify, it means a doubling in the performance of computing power every two years. Now, when you consider that the U.S. economy itself only grows at about 2% per year, Moore’s Law enables technology to grow at roughly 25X the rate of the overall U.S. economy. Companies like Apple, Intel, Microsoft, and Google parent Alphabet were all created thanks to Moore’s Law. Those companies, which are just a sample of technology companies across this era, are now worth more than US$7 trillion combined. However, here’s my belief: The era of Moore’s Law is now dead. Something new has taken its place as the dominant force in innovation. That something new is artificial intelligence. Elon Musk has been watching this shift happen. And he has positioned his business empire to dominate this new age. The stakes of this prediction would be game-changing not just for technology, but for the entire economy.

Naturally, I’m not going to ask you to simply take my word for it that the era of Moore’s Law is dead.

Here’s the data…

This data comes from NVIDIA, the leading artificial intelligence company in the world First, let’s plot Moore’s Law headed into the last decade. It doesn’t look like much but notice how the Y-Axis is actually growing by factors of 10. Believe me, this rate of progress is still world-changing.


Chart refers to US markets.

But now I’m going to animate another line that will quickly overtake Moore’s Law.


Chart refers to US markets.

This is the birth of something called “Deep Learning.” Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence model that mimics how the human brain works. When you hear the term “neural networks,” that’s deep learning. As you can see it’s growing at more than 10-fold the rate of change of Moore’s Law. This is also when Musk makes his first alarming quote about how we’re “summoning the demon” and AI was becoming the greatest “existential risk” to humankind.


Chart refers to US markets.

If you were one of the world’s most ambitious people and you saw a breakthrough growing from nothing… …to an order of magnitude faster than the “law” that had created the internet, smartphones, and a technology sector that had driven the stock market for decades, well… You can definitely see how that would be more than a little… alarming. You may not be the world’s richest person like Elon Musk is, but what I’m trying to demonstrate is the perspective of how a technology visionary like Musk himself would view the progress of the last decade. Which is why 2018 is so important, because around that time, Musk began making a new series of provocative quotes.


Chart refers to US markets.

As you can see, all at once he begins to worry that… AI is vastly more risky than North Korea… Saying he has exposure to cutting-edge AI and people should be concerned… He even promotes a documentary on the dangers of AI where he frets about “God-like superintelligence taking over the world.” Once again, these are all quotes on the public record… And, as you’d guess, this sudden outburst around the dangers of AI was no mere coincidence. Just like a human brain is a massive step up in complexity from a dog’s… New models — or the “brains” of AI — can also be massive step-changes. And right around this time a new type of deep learning called “Transformers” was created. They began moving at a rate of improvement of 275X every two years. Here’s what that looks like.


Chart refers to US markets.

I don’t want to make this a math class, but here’s the thing… Moore’s Law changed the world. It created the golden era of technology by moving at about 25X the rate of change of the overall economy. The newest artificial intelligence models — or brains — are improving at a rate of change that’s 125X greater than Moore’s Law! As I said, no need to take my word for it. You can look at the numbers to see why I believe this is the fastest growing technology ever. Meanwhile, I’ve also shown how you can triangulate artificial intelligence breakthroughs to Musk and his very public concerns…

Now it’s time to get to precisely why this all matters.

I’ve shown how Musk thinks about challenges in terms of how they move humanity forward… He built Tesla to address climate concerns. He built SpaceX to make humans what he calls a “multi-planetary species” If he believes even a fraction of these quotes I displayed… Then a look at Elon Musk’s entire track record and the fact he will go after the challenges where so many others fail would make it incredibly out of character to not attack artificial intelligence head on! And this is exactly what my research shows has been happening. Musk has gone “all-in” on AI across his businesses. And I believe 2022 is going to be the year it becomes clear to the broader world just how powerful AI has become as Elon Musk is preparing for a series of major announcements that could be absolute game-changers. In fact, I believe we may be just weeks from the first ground-breaking announcement. We’ll approach each of these breakthroughs one-by-one…

Major 2022 Breakthrough Prediction No. 1:

FULL Self-Driving by Tesla

Everyone has heard of self-driving cars. I even own one myself in the sense I have a Tesla with self-driving, and I can personally attest that the field is already incredibly advanced… … Yet you still only have a tiny sliver of the population that’s experienced it firsthand. Which brings rise to a fair question — it feels like we’ve been promised self-driving cars for quite a while now, so why a breakthrough in 2022? The short answer is Musk has incredible vision for what big trends are possible, but can sometimes be a bit too optimistic on timing… Frankly, this has been the case with self-driving. And part of this stems from a major mistake he initially made with self-driving cars, something very uncharacteristic of him. Shockingly, Musk initially let another company handle the key components of Tesla’s self-driving technology. Musk “fixed” that situation in 2016, but it effectively meant Tesla had to start from scratch. So where is Tesla today? Well, Musk noted just last month they’re creating “the most advanced practical AI” and that self-driving cars would be “one of the biggest transformations, ever, in human civilization.” And here’s the breakthrough: Musk recently predicted that Tesla cars would reach a level where they drive two to three times safer than a human in 2022. What’s behind this? It’s what Musk called a “fundamental leap” in the brains — or neural network — of Tesla’s artificial intelligence. And making a “fundamental leap” could put Tesla in the driver’s seat of one of the biggest markets in human history — right when it’s taking off. Current estimates for the future size of the self-driving vehicle market range from US$4 trillion to US$11 trillion. (Bear in mind this is all growing from close to zero today.) Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley is taking note and on January 13 rushed out a report that Tesla now leads the “Mother of All” AI projects. Let me be very blunt. Whether a trend eventually reaches US$4 trillion or US$11 trillion likely won’t impact people’s portfolios in the next two or even three years. Here’s what will. If there’s a sudden catalyst that drives levels of increased demand investors weren’t expecting, generally the stocks that are already the most well-positioned for that trend will be able to best capitalize. Think about the performance of just about every e-commerce stock in the months following Covid and throughout 2020. The complication is that while Covid-driven demand had a huge impact the past two years, it’s diminishing today. Now, compare this to something like self-driving cars where you could see an unexpected burst of demand from these breakthroughs which could last for a decade or more. Think about that company we discussed earlier that collects up to 36X more revenue from self-driving cars. IF a breakthrough happens that leads to far faster and more robust demand for self-driving chips than Wall Street expects today, that’s precisely the kind of stock I’d want to own. Here’s the bottom line… Tesla released version 10.9 of its self-driving software just this month. And Tesla’s version 11 should begin incorporating this “fundamental leap.” Version 11 is expected to release in Beta to Tesla cars with Full Self-Driving in February. The clock is ticking… But remember, believe all three of these breakthroughs are connected. And the “fundamental leap” in Tesla’s self-driving AI may lead to another massive breakthrough…

Major 2022 Breakthrough Prediction No. 2:

Tesla Becomes World’s Largest Robot Company

Now, that idea of Tesla becoming the world’s largest robot company didn’t come from me… That’s an idea Elon Musk himself has repeated on many occasions. But here’s why the robots Tesla is building are about to get very weird in 2022. First of all, Musk has stated that Tesla is going to release a “Tesla Bot” prototype in 2022. The concept is absolutely crazy. The Tesla Bot will reportedly weigh 125 pounds, look like a human, be able to walk at five miles per hour, carry 45 pounds, and deadlift 150 pounds. It will have human-level hands. It’s straight out of science fiction. Frankly, this isn’t the kind of breakthrough I think anyone was expecting before Musk announced it recently. But it actually makes a lot of sense. As I’ve said many times throughout this presentation, Musk is a visionary. He saw the future for electric cars when it seemed no one else did. He had a plan how to get space travel kickstarted again. And I believe he understood how building the most advanced AI in cars would allow him to dominate markets few, if any, have even conceived of. Because here’s the fact of the matter… Building this robot has two primary challenges. First, you need to allow robots to “see the world,” which is accomplished through AI software and a lot of powerful computer chips and cameras. Second, you need AI software advanced enough that the robot acts on it. You know, “A forklift is headed toward me, so I need to pause.” That kind of thing. Truth is, companies like Amazon already have a vast array of specialized robots across their factories, so this is just the next evolution. It’s not a market most people think about, but it’s absolutely massive. You can see how one breakthrough creates a series of breakthroughs and it’s all thanks to artificial intelligence. I don’t think Tesla Bot is going to move the needle on company sales next year. That’s not the point. However, I do believe it’s going to create a buzz. Investors… the media… your neighbor, they’re all going to suddenly understand how advanced AI is getting, if a prototype is released this year. That matters. Did you see what happened to Metaverse stocks after Facebook changed its name to Meta a few months ago? The two biggest Metaverse “plays” that I track — Unity and Robox — jumped 33% and 30% over the next two weeks, respectively. Based on a name change. By a DIFFERENT company! My point is, if you’re confident that major breakthroughs are going to change the perception of an industry, it can be good to be invested before that happens. Now, to my third and final breakthrough prediction of 2022, and this one might be the most surprising…

Major 2022 Breakthrough Prediction No. 3:

The Age of “Superhumans” Begins

This breakthrough shows how far-reaching the impacts of AI could become in the years ahead. So, we started with a technology I’m sure everyone knew about before today with self-driving cars. Then we got a bit out there with Musk’s plans about robots. And we’ll end with a way AI can help humanity itself. Today we’ve talked mostly about Tesla and SpaceX. But the reality is Elon Musk has an empire of companies. Beyond those two he has OpenAI, which is dedicated to AI research. He has the Boring Company, which is working on subterranean tunnel networks in cities like Las Vegas. And then he has Neuralink. Believe it or not, it might be the most fascinating of all Elon Musk’s business ventures. Neuralink is focused on brain-machine interfaces. Today, you use your finger to control a smartphone. You use a mouse to control a computer. Neuralink wants to allow you to simply use your mind to control things. It’s truly out there! And it shouldn’t shock anyone that the long-term play on Neuralink is about artificial intelligence. How does it work? Essentially, it’s a small chip that sits behind someone’s ear and can link directly to their brain. Now, I doubt very many people today are raising their hands to sign up for a chip in their brain, but that’s not the audience this invention could help right now. The first audience would be people with physical disabilities, who could now use their minds to control their phones. Just think about the millions of people whose lives this breakthrough would instantly change… And later versions could read brain signals and stimulate nerves and muscles, perhaps even allowing the paralyzed to walk again. I believe you could first see Neuralink in a person in 2022, so this future isn’t as far away as people might expect. I like ending on this prediction, because giving people the ability to walk again is really just making life better. Yes, we invest to make money. Granted. But we also invest to see the best vision of the future world play out.

The bottom line is experts predict AI to have a US$15.7 trillion impact on the economy by the end of the decade.

Which brings us to the all-important question of the day… What do you do NEXT? I’ve covered the numbers behind artificial intelligence growth. I’ve covered why I think breakthroughs in AI could become the major investing story in 2022. And why these breakthroughs could begin surfacing in mere weeks. So, I expect the next question a lot of investors would have today is “What’s the stock to buy?” As I noted at the beginning, I’ve been following artificial intelligence closely for more than seven years. The first event we hosted on AI went out to more than a million U.S. e-mail subscribers on April 27, 2016, and I had a single stock that was my number one idea. That stock was NVIDIA, and it’s up 2,788% since that date. At the start of 2019, I hosted another presentation about my No. 1 stock for 2019. I doubled down and named it NVIDIA yet again, and since the date of that presentation, the company’s stock is up 610%. Sure enough, if we go back and revisit earlier that No. 1 big tech stock that had performed 63X better than Amazon’s 2% over the course of 2021, it was NVIDIA. (Of course, I’m sure a slew of Fools would take a 125% return in this environment!) Now, anyone could run out and buy a single stock. But do you REALLY think you’re preparing your portfolio for this trend with a lone stock pick? Look how Musk has created entire eras in electric cars and space… And then think about the breadth of artificial intelligence. Again, the specific estimates are it could have impacts 55X greater than electric cars today or 330X bigger than space. Sure, you’ll have titans like NVIDIA, but that’s just scratching the surface. If you’re serious about investing in the growth of AI, I truly believe investors need a comprehensive game plan for the years ahead.

Introducing our brand-new real money portfolio inside Artificial Intelligence!

The Motley Fool is launching a new purely dedicated to the leading companies in artificial intelligence within our market-beating AI-focused service, Artificial Intelligence. And it’s been vetted to only include our very top recommendations in this trend today. To say I’m very excited about our new Artificial Intelligence portfolio would be an understatement. We’ve had solutions based on the theme of artificial intelligence before, but this portfolio is different:

It will be backed by The Motle Fool, LLC’s own capital and our best ideas over time.

It can make sell decisions on stocks that aren’t living up to their potential.

It can make opportunistic buys and increase allocations when our conviction rises on certain stocks.

And since this portfolio is launching today, that means everyone watching today has the opportunity to get in on the ground floor at this really exciting time in the space. As I noted, we launched our AI solution in the U.S. in 2019 and even with recent market turbulence across technology stocks, it still soundly beat the market. But that solution did not have a portfolio attached that was backed by The Motley Fool LLC’s own money. We took a look at the breakthroughs happening in the space — many of which I’ve detailed above — and decided we needed something far more dynamic to match the magnitude of this event. So how does it work? First off, the AI portfolio plans to launch with 10 U.S. stocks. We see this as a kind of Goldilocks zone… It’s enough to give diversified exposure across the trend, but isn’t so overwhelming that it’s difficult for members to get started. The portfolio is meant to be extremely dynamic. If opportunities emerge, we’ll be able to pounce on them. That’s really important, especially in current market conditions with so much volatility. Finally, The Motley Fool LLC will add more cash to their portfolio in each of the next three quarters to try to fully capitalize on the opportunity.

What kind of content and other extras can Artificial Intelligence members expect beyond that initial 10-stock portfolio?

First, it should be noted that every single recommendation comes with an accompanying research report, so you know exactly what kind of opportunities these stocks have in the artificial intelligence space. Members of Artificial Intelligence will also receive quarterly rankings of every stock in the portfolio, so they’re always equipped with our top-to-bottom conviction. Artificial Intelligence will also include monthly commentaries on recent events in the AI space, so our members always have our most up-to-date analysis on what’s happening in the space.

And that’s before I’ve gotten to the VIP extras we’re making available today.

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When you join Artificial Intelligence now, you’ll receive an automatic upgrade to VIP status!

The automatic upgrade to VIP status is for members who join us through this offer only.

Now, let’s get to those VIP extras:

VIP Exclusive

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3 Self-Driving Stocks for 2022”” report:

Earlier, I talked about some of the potential breakthroughs in the space. And I also discussed a self-driving supplier that could see its revenue per car sold jump by 36X in a self-driving world. The point here being, this could be a massive opportunity, but very few investors I talk to have a game plan for it. Well, each of our VIPs today will receive three under-the-radar U.S. plays that provide critical components to the self-driving industry.

VIP Exclusive

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3 Stocks for a Rising Interest Rate World” report:

If you’ll recall, I shared how a lot of investors have seen their portfolios concentrate into high-growth, often unprofitable companies. The long-term picture for many of these companies is still often something we believe in, but having too many of them can really accentuate volatility in times like today. Which is why I wanted to include a guide built for this very moment, that gives three timely U.S. stocks that have qualities that could allow them to succeed in a rising interest rate world.

VIP Exclusive

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AI Stocks to Avoid” report:

With artificial intelligence being such a massive trend, a lot of stocks are going to want to rebrand themselves as AI leaders. This report will walk our VIPs through some AI stocks that we avoid and why. Remember, with AI being a trend that we believe is very much in its infancy, its effects are projected to rise across the next decade. Our goal at The Motley Fool is of course to give our members market-beating guidance across the long-term, but also to help our members become better investors. So we include reports like this to help anyone who joins Artificial Intelligence better understand the market.

So let me just quickly review everything we’re making available today:

10 top AI recommendations on Day One, each with their own custom research report.

The Motley Fool LLC will add every recommendation, starting with the first ten and any others we add, to the new AI portfolio that includes allocation guidance.

Through this special offer you’ll also receive a complimentary upgrade to VIP status, including access to three exclusive reports:

“3 Self-Driving Stocks for 2022” report: A guide to some of our highest conviction “picks and shovels” U.S. plays that could see booming sales in the years ahead.

“3 Stocks for a Rising Interest Rate World” report, which could help investors pivot their portfolios away from U.S. stocks most exposed to rising rates…

“AI Stocks to Avoid” report, which features some U.S. stocks you will not find in the Artificial Intelligence portfolio any time soon.

And finally, you’ll receive The Motley Fool’s 30-Day Ironclad Satisfaction Guarantee!

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Here’s how that last one works. Simply… Join Artificial Intelligence today… “test drive” the full portfolio… receive our team’s continuing guidance and future recommendations… Then, if at any time within the first 30 days of your membership you’re not completely satisfied? Simply contact our helpful member services team, and they’ll be happy to transfer your credit to another one of our Motley Fool Canada portfolio products. Easy as that!

Plus, as a special “thank you” for joining us today, you’ll receive an automatic upgrade to our VIP package.

So that you’ll receive everything we’ve just discussed – and join Artificial Intelligence as a VIP member – for $1,699.

And just one final thing before I leave you, today…

I truly hope Artificial Intelligence is right for you. But if it’s not, I sincerely hope I’ve given you an interesting commentary on the market and you can tell your spouse… children… neighbors… or friends about the technologies we’ve shared today. But, if you have watched today and have even an inkling that Artificial Intelligence is right for you, I’ll stress that we put significant effort into getting this portfolio ready for today because we believe the timing is right. So, here’s a spoiler — if you choose to join Artificial Intelligence, you won’t see Tesla. We have recommended Tesla in our flagship U.S. Stock Advisor service and many other Motley Fool services. If you’re going to own it, you probably own it already. Instead, you’ll find one of the most fascinating AI opportunities in the energy space. And you’ll find one of the most exciting “picks and shovel” plays on the growth of technology itself. A company that’s highly profitable and makes an insanely complex and impressive product for the real world… As I alluded to earlier, if you’ve become too concentrated in ideas like software, this could be the exact type of stock you need to re-position your portfolio for 2022 and beyond! Now, this is just a tiny view into what our Artificial Intelligence portfolio offers… and as investment opportunities build throughout 2022, the portfolio is designed to grow as well. Remember, this VIP offer is expiring soon. To avoid missing out, simply click the button below to review your full offer and join me right away!

To being prepared for the true dawn of the AI era,

MD signature Eric Bleeker Senior Technology Analyst The Motley Fool  

Returns as of 1/14/2021 unless otherwise stated. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Teresa Kersten, an employee of LinkedIn, a Microsoft subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Eric Bleeker owns Alphabet (A shares), Amazon, Apple, Atlassian, Lucid Group, Inc., Meta Platforms, Inc., Roku, Sea Limited, Twilio, and Zoom Video Communications. Fool contributor Rex Moore owns Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Meta Platforms, Inc., Microsoft, and Twilio. The Motley Fool owns and recommends Atlassian, Twilio, and Zoom Video Communications. The Motley Fool recommends Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Inc., Microsoft, Peloton Interactive, Roku, Sea Limited, and Tesla.

Artificial Intelligence includes U.S. stocks. All billing is in CAD. You will be billed according to your choice below and then $1,699 for each year thereafter.

This product is non-refundable.

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