While this special VIP offer lasts…
The stock market is at the ultimate crossroads with threats from all sides — including the Russian invasion of Ukraine… the 2022 tech meltdown… soaring inflation… and potential U.S. Fed interest rate increases on the table…
It’s time to make a game plan to take advantage of a surprising hidden opportunity currently unfolding, regardless of the events above. Including one undeniable business trend The Motley Fool views as “the only certainty in this stock market.”
A trend which has been quietly building for 30 years through good AND bad markets… through the dot-com crash and the financial crisis and the COVID crash and rebound… and, yes, even 2022’s tech meltdown.
And now this trend points directly toward a potentially life-changing market opportunity we believe could be THE biggest winner of the next several years — with independent experts projecting 17-fold growth by 2028 alone… and far more in the years to come!
Your chance to join us today in hunting that 17X potential upside on a special VIP offer won’t last. So read on for the shocking full story on the “only certainty in the market” that everybody refuses to talk about!
Chart refers to US markets.
It’s a bit of a mixed bag, but largely flat to positive. What do all six of those stocks have in common? They’re profitable. They generate earnings for shareholders, instead of mounting losses. Now compare those to your average tech company not turning a profit. The average stock in that group is down 23% in three months. It gets even more intense in ecommerce, where unprofitable stocks are down 39% on average.Chart refers to US markets.
I’m not the only person to notice this trend, either. Bloomberg recently revealed that “Profitable Companies Are Leaving Money-Losing Stocks in the Dust.” And that they were earning “roughly triple” the returns of unprofitable stocks. When you think about it, it makes sense. Folks get excited about money-losing stocks because — just maybe — they’ll be able to shoot the moon. But eventually — and I think anyone who’s been investing for a long time knows this — money talks. Eventually, you have to turn a profit. Otherwise, how are you going to stay in business? Right now, we’re seeing the stock market getting back to demanding actual business results. Not just hype… or promises of future greatness. Now, obviously, with everything going on in Ukraine, stocks are going to be bouncing all over the place. I’m in no way saying that profitable tech stocks are going to protect you from losses tomorrow or next week. But it’s very clear to me that tech companies which are NOT generating profits are generally worth avoiding as we respond to the tech meltdown in the broader stock market.Chart refers to USD.
And the same goes for defense contractors. A lot of people are tempted to start bidding up weapons companies because of conflict. But frankly, we don’t know how long this fight will last or what its outcome would be. My general take is pretty simple. Is some uncertainty necessary to have a stock market in the first place? Of course. When the uncertainty is this extensive? Instead of trying to be too clever by half, just stay away. I prefer to invest in certainties rather than hopes. For me, it’s always about stepping back from the headlines and trying to see where the market is going — not next week or the next couple of months, but over the next several years. And there’s only one trend that has been consistent now for three straight decades: the increasing shift of businesses toward digitization that I mentioned earlier. Again, I’m looking for certainties. That’s just how I invest. It’s like Buffett said. “Rule No. 1: Don’t lose [money]. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.”The internet is worth US$2.1 trillion
Cryptocurrency is worth US$1.8 trillion
U.S. ecommerce is worth US$871 billion
The smartphone market is worth: US$378 billion
Digital streaming is worth US$59 billion
Chart refers to USD.
Each of those individual trends was massive on its own. And they helped drive some pretty incredible gains for U.S. stocks like Netflix — up 2,298% over the past decade.Amazon — up 1,579%
AMD — up 1,416%
Nvidia — up 6,056%
Chart refers to US market.
But what we’re looking at next could be quite a bit bigger. Those five huge trends I mentioned — the internet, crypto, US ecommerce, smartphones, digital streaming? They’re worth about US$5.2 trillion combined. Remember, the megatrend I’m talking about is estimated to grow to US$8 trillion.Chart refers to USD.
So if we saw 1,579%… 2,298%… even 6,056% gains for stocks in these much smaller markets… Just think about how much potential upside we could be looking at with a market that independent experts think could be worth more than all those markets combined?“The Metaverse will become the next generation platform to replace the mobile internet.”
-Morgan Stanley
Businesses are going to take more and more of their operations online.
“The Metaverse is here, and it’s not only transforming how we see the world, but how we participate in it — from the factory floor to the meeting room.”
-Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO
“I believe the Metaverse is the next chapter for the internet.”
-Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder & CEO of Facebook
Chart refers to US market.
And that’s assuming retail sales NEVER increase from here, which they obviously will over time. That’s before considering video games… video streaming… real estate (yes, digital land plots are now going for up to nearly US$500,000)… or a thousand other applications! Given all this… To be honest, I think the US$8 trillion number from outside experts for the total value of the Metaverse could be conservative. And I’m not the only one. This is obviously big, but just how “big” are we actually talking about? I’ve thrown around some pretty incredible numbers and quotes here, so let’s just dig into what this opportunity really looks like in real dollars and cents. To be frank, while I was doing research on the Metaverse for this presentation, some of the numbers I came across were surprising, to say the least. Emergen Research, one of the most prominent research firms when it comes to “next big thing” trends, predicts the Metaverse will grow from roughly US$48 billion in annual revenues to a US$829 billion market… Not by 2050… or by 2040… or even by 2030. They say it’ll happen by 2028!“Is a 3D extension of the internet that is going to be much, much bigger than the 3D physical world that we enjoy today.”
And he continues:
“The economy of the virtual world will be much, much bigger than the economy of the physical world. You’re going to have more cars built and designed in virtual worlds, you’ll have more buildings, more roads, more houses — more hats, more bags, more jackets.”
-Jensen Huang, Nvidia co-founder & CEO
Chart refers to USD.
But let me take a step back and quick recap here:In the past 30 years, which have certainly been tumultuous, only one thing has really been consistent — the shift online. Every major trend has featured some flavor of this online shift.
We now see that technological innovation entering a new phase of more rapid development and profitability.
Culminating in a Metaverse opportunity that a conservative forecast from Morgan Stanley says could be worth US$8 trillion or more…
Which is bigger than the current value of the internet, the entire cryptocurrency market, all U.S. ecommerce sales, digital streaming, and the entire smartphone market combined.
Markets which, I should note, churned out winners that delivered 1,579%, 2,298%, even 6,056% gains over the past decade.
Which brings us to the “big question” of today’s urgent memo.Our first 10 U.S. Virtual Revolution stocks, already awaiting you on our private, members-only website as we speak.
Each of which is accompanied by a comprehensive investment write-up, including why our team believes that company is particularly well-positioned to dominate the next stage of the digital era.
Plus, every company will be fully backed by real Motley Fool LLC investment capital.
Now, before I proceed any further, there’s one thing I need to address. We’ve also seen how hard technology stocks have been hit over the past few months, particularly with inflation running rampant. And you may be wondering, “Michael, are you nervous at all about the timing here?” In fact, I believe the timing actually works perfectly in our favour. Now, it’s true that the tech sector in general is down, and some tech stocks have obviously been absolutely splattered. But — for one — that gives us a very, very attractive entry point. After all, so many of these stocks have been artificially held down by factors like inflation and when the U.S. Fed is going to raise rates (or not!)… the pandemic… other geopolitical factors… what have you. And — secondly — our analyst team has been incredibly intentional about the type of companies they’re recommending inside Virtual Revolution.The All-Around All Star: If there’s a core holding that ties into all six (!) investment themes in Virtual Revolution, it’s this global powerhouse, led by a true visionary. This large cap compounder has been growing at a rate that puts companies a fraction of its size to shame — revenue has expanded at a blistering compounded annual growth rate of 40% over the last five years.
Better yet, its virtualization technology business is simply devouring market share — sales in this division have doubled over the last twelve months, and metaverse demand is only revving its engine higher. Do you like a little safety when thinking through investment risk? This business could pay off its debt load, which sits in the double-digit billions, and still have US$13.5 billion left in its checking account.
The King of Digital Consulting: One of the biggest challenges this dynamic small-cap company faces is simply hiring enough people to keep up with demand — not the worst problem to have! The recent market downturn has only increased multibagger opportunities for this technology specialist, which boasts bona fide expertise in intelligent automation, “extended reality,” “phygital” transformation, corporate expressions of the metaverse, and other cutting-edge areas of business process improvement.
Revenue soared by 53% year over year in its most recent quarter, a sign of validation from a roster of blue-chip clients with which it’s developed deep and long-term relationships. With an annual net profit margin of roughly 12%, consistently strong cash flow generation, and unstinting demand for its services, this Virtual Revolution catalyst presents one of our favorite medium risk, but potentially high reward scenarios.
The Virtual World Virtuoso: The intellectual property base of this organization is so formidable, our team had to remove one of our leading small-cap candidates from the Virtual Revolution portfolio in part because this business is beginning to compete in the same space. Large enough to vanquish fledgling competitors, but small enough to potentially pull off a 2X in 5 years — or possibly even a 10-bagger in 10 to 15 years — this highly profitable software company operates in a sweet spot in the digital transformation space.
Its technology is considered a gold standard in the creation of virtual environments, and it’s enjoying a surge in new use cases in gaming and metaverse environments. After generating a record year of revenue and free cash flow, management is forecasting another blockbuster year of top-line growth, profits, and cash generation for this dominant virtual technology pioneer.
Again, those are just three of the 10 U.S. stocks you’ll find inside the Virtual Revolution real-money portfolio we just launched. Speaking of which…Additional monthly content from Asit and the rest of our analyst team.
Quarterly guidance for every allocation round.
Regular stock rankings, so members consistently know where our team stands on each position in the portfolio.
Plus, in April, Asit will be hosting a live chat to introduce new members to the portfolio’s composition. And here’s something else that’s pretty cool…As a unique feature of Virtual Revolution, Asit will be hosting a series of in-depth lectures on technology trends… investment skills… and even topics such as wellness in an increasingly digitized world.
– Included with charter membership to Virtual Revolution –
Here’s the proposed schedule as Asit sees is right now:
Understanding the One Prediction Underlying the Virtual Revolution
An in-depth discussion of Moore’s “Law,” how central it is to every investable sector, and the race to extend it to 2030 and beyond. Including potential companies we’re watching to win this race!
How Inflation and Interest Rates Will Dramatically Affect the Technology Investing Landscape
Understanding a shift already underway in how the market prices high-growth companies, and strategies Virtual Revolution is using to build investment returns in an environment of rising volatility.
What, Exactly, Is the Metaverse?
Explaining an ambiguous term in detail, separating hype from real-world utility, and outlining key technologies that we look for when making investments in this space.
Investment Strategy Tear-Down: An In-Depth Look at the Virtual Revolution Investment Process
Go behind the scenes with Asit, U.S. Motley Fool Chief Investment Officer Andy Cross, and Virtual Revolution investment analyst Clay Bruning as they walk members through the VR investment process and discuss the key criteria used to pick stocks in the real-money portfolio.
10 Innovation Areas Every Investor Should Know (Part 1)
Gaming Engines, Deep Learning, The Machine Vision Renaissance, Robotic Process Automation, Physics-based Drug Discovery
10 Innovation Areas Every Investor Should Know (Part 2)
Quantum Computing, The Digital Twins Explosion, AI/ML Platform Business Models, Virtual Applications in the EV Market, The Surprising Underdogs of Advanced Chip Manufacturing
Wellness, Investing, and You
An hour of holistic discussion centering on wellness, mental health, investing mindset, and yes, investing ideas around this theme.
7 Mistakes That Even Seasoned Investors Make
In this session, Asit and team will break down seven things even experienced investors often get wrong when evaluating companies. The hour will provide valuable insights for both investing novices and experienced capital allocators.
Consciousness, Reality, and Being
Explore the question of what it means to be conscious, and fascinating related inquiries: Does the internet exhibit consciousness? Through our tethering to mobile devices, are we already becoming machine-like? Within this session, we’ll also highlight companies to watch that are striving to ask and answer these questions within their business models.
10 Watchlist Stocks for 2023
Join the Virtual Revolution team as they provide a bonus for members and reveal the 10 top U.S. stocks that have moved onto their radar screens for the coming year.
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
A session exploring the pitfalls of the exponential advances in AI, why the Virtual Revolution team chooses not to invest in some otherwise promising companies, and how we as a society (and investors) can balance the promise and peril of machine-based intelligence.
Virtualization, Engineering, and Computation in Biotech: A New Frontier of Opportunities
Join Asit and other analysts as they explain current trends attracting enormous amounts of capital in the biotechnology sector. Members attending this class will get a clear overview of how the virtual revolution is permanently changing medical research and development.
It’s all part of giving Fools who join as charter members the most comprehensive possible view of the Metaverse and increasing digitization of society…
While making Virtual Revolution The Motley Fool’s one-stop shop for everything related to the Metaverse and the virtual world.Plus, when you join us through this special offer, you’ll be able to get a complimentary upgrade to VIP status, which includes five incredibly timely VIP reports created specifically for the charter member launch of Virtual Revolution… meaning they’re absolutely brand-new to The Motley Fool.
“Cutting Room Floor: 3 Pure Play Metaverse Stocks That Didn’t Make It” report:
VIP Exclusive
You’ve likely seen the names of all three of these pure play U.S. companies whenever you open up an article on the Metaverse. And while we’re keeping a close eye on them, they haven’t proven to us they’re quite ready to make the cut for inclusion into our formal recommendations. (Coming soon!)
“3 Well-Known Behemoths Heavily Invested in the Metaverse” report:
VIP Exclusive
You may be surprised by how “all in” on the Metaverse three of the largest companies in the world (not named Facebook… whoops, I mean Meta!) are.
Company #1 is a major athletics brand that filed a patent in 2019 paving the way for its entry into NFTs and its very own virtual world on Roblox.
Company #2 is a well-known tech titan that envisions an “enterprise Metaverse” far more practical (and perhaps meaningful) than the environment Meta seeks to build.
And Company #3 is a leading supplier to the semiconductor industry, who will see sustained demand for their specialized EUV lithography machines as virtualization pushes demand for computing power ever higher. (Coming soon!)
“5 Stocks for a Rising Interest Rate Environment” report:
VIP Exclusive
5 Stocks for a Rising Interest Rate Environment: Inflation is at a 40-year high with no sign of letting up anytime soon. But with this basket of inflation-friendly stocks with a proven track record, we believe they can succeed even if interest rates climb even further, allowing you to sleep safe and sound at night. (Coming soon!)
“Good Optics: 3 Machine Vision Stocks for the Future”” report:
VIP Exclusive
Think about “machine vision” as the visual corollary to voice recognition. These three companies have the potential to deliver some exciting returns over the next few years as the concept of machine vision becomes an increasingly larger part of the virtual economy we’ve been talking about. (Coming soon!)
“3 Tech-Heavy Bank Stocks for a Wild Market” report:
VIP Exclusive
We’re combining the relative safety of U.S. banks (perfect for a high-interest environment) with a tech angle. A blend of a fast-growing Motley Fool banking darling… a monster bank that trades almost more like a tech stock… and a little-known, tech-heavy regional bank in the mid-Atlantic region for some safety. (Coming soon!)
I think these five hot-off-the-presses reports are not only a great complement to a Virtual Revolution service… but also a perfect game plan for some of the macro factors we’re dealing with in the market right now.
Which brings me to just one final, all-important question today…Our Virtual Revolution portfolio, which will ultimately be backed by a US$250,0000 of Motley Fool LLC investment capital, and which we’ll be building out to 35 to 40 stocks over the course of the year ahead.
Each and every stock will be accompanied by a comprehensive research write-up.
The first 10 of those U.S. stocks are already waiting for you on our secure members-only website, as we speak… and the next 10 will be released within the next couple weeks.
Regular portfolio updates… sector coverage… stock confidence rankings…
Asit Sharma’s unique “lecture” series, which will span a minimum of 12 events, and cover a wide range of topics on the Metaverse and our ongoing move to the virtual world in general. It’s truly unlike anything we’ve ever done at The Motley Fool!
Of course, your five VIP reports…
We’ve set the list price for all of that at $1,999. While you’ll also be protected by our Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee! More on that in a moment. For now, I must also be upfront and let you know that at this time there will be no cash refunds on purchases of Virtual Revolution. As has happened in the past, a short-term trader can join today, see all 10 of our initial stock recommendations, buy them and push up the entry price for long-term investors, then cancel and pay nothing. It’s not fair to us, and it’s certainly not fair to YOU.And while it may feel like that makes for a hasty decision, keep in mind that anybody who joins through this charter member VIP invitation is covered by The Motley Fool’s exclusive Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee!
Our Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
With all that said, I leave the decision to you.
Will you join us in the hunt for virtual world stocks capitalizing on a Metaverse market projected to grow by a downright silly 17X as soon as 2028… and that Morgan Stanley estimates will grow to US$8 trillion in China alone (167X its current size!)? There aren’t many sure things in the market. But remember, the one “certainty” we’ve identified beyond a shadow of a doubt over the past 30 years is that digitization has continued to expand at a rapid rate… and it’s showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. Our first 10 stocks already awaiting you inside our Virtual Revolution portfolio were not only picked to capitalize on this “certainty,” but every single one of them is profitable as well. That decision was made with great care and attention to the market climate we find ourselves in today. But I must issue one final word of warning… And this one is another one of life’s few “certainties.” This offer simply can’t last. So let me remind you that, right now, you can:I hope to see you on the other side.
To potential 17X returns by 2028 alone,Returns as of 3/1/2022 unless otherwise stated. JJohn Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Michael Douglass owns Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, Apple, and Shopify. The Motley Fool owns and recommends Shopify. The Motley Fool recommends Advanced Micro Devices, Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Inc., Microsoft, Netflix, and Nvidia.
Virtual Revolution includes U.S. stocks. All billing is in CAD. You will be billed according to your choice below and then $1,999 for each year thereafter.
This product is non-refundable.
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