This “Early Bird” VIP Offer Expires at MIDNIGHT:
An opportunity so big that Jeff Bezos believes it will usher in a “golden age.”
And whose adoption has accelerated to 100X faster than the iPhone!
Bill Gates says it’s “every bit as important as the PC or the internet”
And we’ve just released the full details of our strategy to take maximum advantage…
Read on to find out more!
“Every bit as important as the PC or the internet”
“More profound than fire or electricity”
More than double the total U.S. government spending in 2021.
More than 5X the market capitalization of Apple, the world’s largest publicly traded company.
And more than half of the entire value of ALL the stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
And what’s more, not only is it big… But it’s incredibly timely. In fact, Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith said that, for this technology:“2023 will mark a critical inflection point.”
“Big year for AI.”
“2023 will make 2022 look like a sleepy year for AI advancement & adoption.”
“The fastest moving technology that we’ve ever tracked in terms of its impact — and we’re just getting started.”
“These 20 AI stocks are expected by analysts to rise up to 85% over the next year.”
Chart refers to U.S. market.
Bill Gates thinks AI could be as important as the PC? Ok, let’s look at the PC as a historical example. Back in the 80s, when PCs first came on the scene…well, they were clunky! You’ll remember MS-DOS — Microsoft’s early operating system, which looked something like this…Chart refers to U.S. market.
But of course, that’s just scratching the surface of the seismic shift that followed. Frankly, it’s almost impossible to measure the total wealth created in the long run. Just consider one of the biggest winners of the PC-revolution… Microsoft. The company went public in the “IPO of the year” in 1986. The stock’s performance since then? A mind-boggling +250,780% gain.Chart refers to U.S. market.
There’s no question that Microsoft — and its shareholders — hugely benefited from the invention of the PC. And that’s still just the tip of the iceberg… Think of all the “spillover effects,” too! I’m talking about all the businesses and households now using PCs, making everyone more productive… richer… and our lives so much easier. Simply put, the wealth created across the globe is much, MUCH greater than a single company. So, to summarize:A new technology came on the scene. (The PC!) It made an impact, but maybe not a huge one.
Then something changed to make it more accessible to the mainstream. (In this case, the graphical user interface from the Mac.) This was the inflection point.
Cue the wealth explosion with far-reaching impacts across industries.
Let’s take another example — the internet. (Which again — Gates views AI to be as important as the internet. Isn’t that wild?) Today we couldn’t imagine life without it. But much like the PC, it didn’t take off right away… but when it did, things moved even faster. In fact, it was a web browser called Mosaic that was the catalyst for the internet’s exponential growth and value creation. That’s because Mosaic was the first browser that was able to show images and text on the same page. I know… It sounds basic today. But on top of that, the Mosaic browser was reliable and easy to install — which made it easy to use for those of us who aren’t computer geniuses. And it was the inflection point for the internet revolution. Early investors in the right stocks made a fortune… Netscape Communications soared as much as +520% in less than five MONTHS after its 1995 IPO…Chart refers to U.S. market.
AOL, the once-dominant web portal and internet service provider shot up nearly +10,500% between its March ‘92 IPO and its December ‘99 peak…Chart refers to U.S. market.
Internet marketplace company eBay rocketed up +1,445% in the first 18 months after its September ‘98 IPO…Chart refers to U.S. market.
But I’d be remiss not to mention Amazon. Without a doubt one of the biggest winners of the internet revolution. It shot up +3,280% in the two years after its May ‘97 IPO…Chart refers to U.S. market.
…and is up a staggering +102,588% since then!Chart refers to U.S. market.
But once again, looking at Amazon alone is just scratching the surface. When you consider that digitally transformed businesses account for roughly HALF of the global economy today… It becomes clear that the wealth created by the internet as a whole is far greater than just one company or even one sector. And again –A new technology came on the scene. (The internet.) It made an impact, but maybe not a huge one.
Then something changed to make it more accessible to the mainstream. (A much better web browser.) This was the inflection point.
Cue the wealth explosion with far-reaching impacts across industries.
Let’s just take one more example. Smartphones. What a lot of folks don’t know is that the first smartphone was actually a device called the IBM Simon. It came out all the way back in 1994! It had capabilities such as maps, stocks, and news. But it was too big and bulky to carry around. And the battery only lasted an hour. As a result, only 50,000 units were sold during its six months on the market. And while the Simon was technically the first “smartphone,” the slimmer, easier-to-use flip phones of the time dominated the market — until… The iPhone changed everything. Its user interface was lightning-fast and so easy to use that a child could use it. Most importantly… It opened the world’s eyes to the idea of a “smartphone.” No surprise it sold 270,000 units in the first two DAYS, and over a MILLION units in the first 3 months! What’s more, it launched a whole new era of growth — and generational wealth for investors. Over the following 5 years — during the Great Financial Crisis, no less! — Apple’s stock skyrocketed another +378%.Chart refers to U.S. market.
And if we zoom out to today, it’s gained a whopping +3,334%!Chart refers to U.S. market.
But again… Looking only at Apple’s performance falls short of capturing the real wealth spurred by the smartphone revolution. Just think of all the apps sold on the App Store… Since it launched in 2008, thousands of developers have earned more than US$320 billion combined. That’s about equal to NASA’s entire budget — for 13 years! And again –A new technology came on the scene. (Smartphones!) It made an impact, but maybe not a huge one.
Then something changed to make it more accessible to the mainstream. (The better-designed iPhone.) This was the inflection point.
Cue the wealth explosion with far-reaching impacts across industries.
This brings me back to Artificial Intelligence and its inflection point. Because you can see the same shape forming. The technology underpinning ChatGPT isn’t new. (In fact, the first version of the language model that’s powering it was developed in 2018!) But what is new is ChatGPT’s user interface. People are now able to directly interact with this new technology themselves. And practically overnight, it has allowed millions of folks who had previously only heard about artificial intelligence in theoretical terms to experience it firsthand. Much like the graphics user interface of the PC… The internet browser… or the iPhone. And get this — remember how the iPhone sold a million units in 3 months? Well, ChatGPT reached a million users… in 5 DAYS! And 100 million users in the first three months — 100x faster than the iPhone. According to UBS, it’s already the fastest growing app of all time. And remember the original definition of inflection points: “They’re turning points. They’re when the adoption of a new technology suddenly accelerates.” If 100X faster adoption than the iPhone doesn’t meet the definition of sudden acceleration, I’m not sure what does! As Deloitte put it:“It is now about realizing value, driving outcomes, and unleashing the potential AI holds to drive new opportunity for our businesses.”
“AI is a rare example of an extremely hyped thing that almost everyone still underestimated [emphasis mine] the impact of even in the medium term.”
Featured Member Report
This report is jam-packed with critical information, but first let me just address something right off the bat: You don’t need The Motley Fool to tell you that Google or Meta stand to benefit from the inevitable A.I. boom. You can find big names like those on your own with a simple online search! That’s why none of them are included in our “A.I. Profit Playbook.” Instead we’re targeting companies driving real results with A.I. today… While they’re still flying under the radar of the mainstream financial press… But with high upside potential for long-term investors looking to capitalize on the A.I. profit wave. Companies in specific sectors with either proprietary data or other unique use cases that are ahead of the curve when it comes to using artificial intelligence to drive efficiencies — and bottom-line results for shareholders… As well as platform businesses that stand to be huge winners of rapid A.I. adoption across the entire economy. That includes primarily U.S. stocks like…The Generative A.I. Trailblazer: There are plenty of U.S. tech giants doing all kinds of amazing things with artificial intelligence — but there’s likely an even more lucrative way to invest in A.I. today: investing in companies using A.I. technologies to improve their own businesses. This is one of those companies. It’s already leveraging generative A.I. (powered by OpenAI, by the way) and rapidly multiplying its total addressable market in the process. That total opportunity could grow 16-fold by 2030. But almost no one is talking about this stock! It’s a hidden gem still flying under the radar of surface-level A.I. investors.
The AgTech Innovator: This equipment manufacturer continues to weed out the competition. With net margin growth of 90% since fiscal 2016, it’s got a proven track record of profitability, and its commitment to automation and software is set to push profits even higher. What’s even more impressive — it’s leaving competitors in the dust thanks to its use of artificial intelligence. And it goes far beyond autonomous tractors! Investors looking for a top A.I. stock in a sector where most folks wouldn’t even think to look, this is one stock they won’t want to miss.
The A.I. Sales Accelerator: This is another stock not many investors will have on their A.I. radars… yet. But this company is leveraging cutting-edge voice A.I. to streamline its sales process AND drive impressive bottom line results. Digital sales accounted for 60% of its overall revenue in the fourth quarter — an all-time high. But that’s just the beginning. In fact, management aims to digitize 100% of transactions. The business is rapidly expanding across the globe, too. If it continues on its current trajectory, this company could be on track for 4X growth in the coming years. That’s plenty of runway for an innovative company already taking advantage of A.I. to increase productivity and profits TODAY.
Of course, that’s just a small preview! But there’s one thing I need to make absolutely clear… With all the hype around ChatGPT GPT-4 and everything else that’s going on right now, we want to make sure investors don’t fall prey to overhyped stocks that simply add A.I. to their name… only to crash and burn. That’s why we’re targeting solid businesses leveraging real breakthroughs of the sort I showed you today. Because, as I mentioned, we’ve been tracking the A.I. transformation for years. Of course, everyone’s talking about Microsoft now — after it’s made its US$10+ billion investment in OpenAI but… We actually saw this major shift coming five years earlier, in 2018, when we recommended U.S. members buy the stock and wrote:“As CIOs and users respond to pressure to adopt cutting-edge technology in the cloud — including artificial intelligence — Microsoft should take a large share of new business, and investors can expect that revenue growth to translate to gains in the stock.”
Chart refers to U.S. market.
In 2017 we saw an opportunity in an A.I. “pick-and-shovel” play when we alerted U.S. members to chipmaker Nvidia:“We see more big gains ahead… Nvidia’s systems are used for everything from cinematic special effects to medical imaging and energy exploration. But GPU is also key to deep learning and artificial intelligence.”
Chart refers to U.S. market.
More than 9X your money! That same year, we realized digital advertising was ripe for A.I.-powered disruption… We alerted members to The Trade Desk, writing in our official recommendation at the time:“This isn’t a job for martini-fisted guys in a smoky room; it’s a matter for Big Data, artificial intelligence, and lightning-fast response time.”
Chart refers to U.S. market.
…turning every $10,000 invested into over $160,000. I could go on, but you get the point. Of course, neither Microsoft, NVIDIA, nor The Trade Desk are included in our new A.I. report… but we think some of the NEXT big winners of the A.I. boom very well could be. Remember… We didn’t just jump on the A.I. bandwagon yesterday. We’ve been watching this space very closely for years. And now, with generative A.I. nearing its inflection point… when we’re already seeing RAPID adoption faster than what we saw with the PC… the internet… or the smartphone revolutions… We could be looking at A.I.’s biggest opportunity yet. Now, normally we’d charge $1,000 for the “A.I. Profit Playbook.” And given the extensive research that went into it… Not to mention the size and scale of potential opportunity we’re looking at here… Again…US$15 trillion potential by 2030 per PwC… From a technology that is already growing 100x faster than the iPhone! I personally think $1,000 for the report would be more than fair. But we’re serious about encouraging our members to build at least a 25-stock portfolio, so instead you can unlock complimentary access when you join our Virtual Revolution service today. That’s right…Ten Innovation Areas Every Investor Should Know (Part 1): Deep Learning, The Machine Vision Renaissance, Robotic Process Automation, Physics-based Drug Discovery.
Ten Innovation Areas Every Investor Should Know (Part 2): AI/ML Platform Business Models, Virtual Applications in the EV Market, The Surprising Underdogs of Advanced Chip Manufacturing…
ChatGPT and Generative AI: In this deep dive, lead analyst Asit Sharma and analyst Meilin Quinn discuss this powerful technology that promises to have a profound impact on business and society, as well as the investment opportunities.
And tons of additional benefits! Like…Additional lectures. Asit has confirmed that he plans to release additional lectures in the coming months.
More stocks. The team plans to launch a new notional scorecard in the coming months that will feature 10+ stocks added over the coming year.
Watchlist stocks. Maybe not quite ready for the official seal of approval, but interesting opportunities to keep an eye on!
Plus, when you sign up with this exclusive offer, you get access to our VIP extras — including three fantastic VIP reports with nine additional stocks you can buy right now:
VIP Bonus
“3 Top Stocks to Dominate the Semiconductor Decade” report:
With A.I. adoption expected to rapidly increase, one thing’s almost guaranteed: demand for computer chips will also continue to increase. And only a small number of semiconductor companies are able to manufacture them. That means that smart A.I. investors could stand to profit doubly. Learn all about it in this exclusive report.
VIP Bonus
“Good Optics: 3 Machine Vision Stocks For The Future” report:
From smart security to self-driving cars, machine vision makes it possible for cameras, robots, and automobiles to not only process the world around them… but reason about it. In this report, we’ve singled out three pure-play machine vision companies that have massive long-term growth potential. They’re small U.S. companies with a lot to prove, but all three have significant competitive advantages in a growing machine vision market.
VIP Bonus
“3 Top Small-Cap Stocks You Can Buy Right Now” report:
I’m so excited about these stocks and the long growth runways we see ahead of them.
Member Bonus
“A.I. Profit Playbook: 10 Top Stocks Driving Real Results Today!”
Our Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
VIP Exclusive
That said, I’ve seen the full list of stocks included in the “A.I. Profit Playbook” and everything that’s included in Virtual Revolution.
And I’m sure that once you do too, you’ll have no interest in leaving for another group of services.Here’s to building wealth the smart way,
Returns as of 3/10/2023 unless otherwise noted. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Michael Douglass has positions in Alphabet,, Apple, and Trade Desk. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Trade Desk. The Motley Fool recommends Accenture Plc, Alphabet,, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla, and eBay. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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