This “Early Bird” VIP Offer Expires in:

3 reasons the stage appears (yet again) perfectly set for “Maximum Upside” growth stocks to dominate the near future

(Find out below!)

The two biggest market drops in recent memory have resulted in the growth-heavy Nasdaq outperforming the U.S. S&P 500 by a respective 64 and 50 percentage points over the following half-decade. And after last year’s painful downturn in the market, we could be poised for a similar result in the coming future.

Plus… why the U.S. Fed’s recent about-face to slow interest rate hikes actually works in our favor.

Most important, you’ll see that this “Maximum Upside” growth story may not need a half-decade… or even a year to begin playing out. I’ll show you dead-ahead why I believe it already is!

Fair Warning:

But don’t delay! Your “Early Bird” offer expires at midnight!

Read on to find out more!

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But First, Don’t Forget Your Free Copy of:

1 Stock We Love That’s Just Too Big (To Be a Real Firecracker)

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Dear fellow investor, We both know the two biggest market crashes in recent history. The Global Financial Crisis in 2008, along with the dot-com bubble bursting in the early 2000s. But here’s something you may not know… First, I want to rewind to March 9, 2009. Any idea what that date represents? It’s actually the absolute lowest point of the market after roughly half its value was shaved off in the fallout from the financial crisis. In fact, the carnage was so bad it remains the lowest point we’ve seen in the U.S. S&P 500 since going back to the 1990s. But have a look at what happened in the half-decade after that low point… First, you’re going to see how the S&P 500 trended over the following five years.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Up 178% in half a decade for more than 2.5X your money. Not bad at all, right? Okay, now let’s focus on the far more growth-heavy Nasdaq.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Over the exact same five-year time period, the Nasdaq was up 242%. A whopping 64 percentage points better than the U.S. S&P 500. And instead of just 2.5X your money, you’re now looking at nearly 3.5X.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Divide that outperformance of 64 percentage points by five and we’re looking at outperformance of roughly 13 percentage points per year by the Nasdaq in the aftermath of a market crash. 13 percentage points! Bear in mind the market has only returned an average of around 10 percentage points in the modern era. In this case, that 13-point outperformance alone was higher than the average annual performance of the market throughout history. And look, we don’t need to keep this in the theoretical. Let’s say you’d invested $50,000 USD into the U.S. S&P 500 on March 9, 2009, at the bottom of the market. You’d have wound up with $139,000 USD five years later.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Hey, not bad, right? But now let’s imagine you’d put that very same $50,000 USD into the Nasdaq on the exact same date.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

You’re instead looking at $171,000 USD — a difference of $32,000 USD!


Chart refers to U.S. market.

But we’re just getting started…

Now let’s rewind the clock a little bit further, back to the dot-com bubble. A lot of people don’t realize this, but the S&P 500 didn’t hit its low point from the dot-com bubble until October 7, 2002, when it finally bottomed out after losing nearly half its value. Here’s what the S&P 500 looks like over the next five years.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

That’s a 98% gain — almost a doubling in value. But now let’s again turn our attention to the more growth-heavy Nasdaq. After five years, it had returned 148%, for almost exactly a 2.5X return on all your money.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

And exactly 50 percentage points better than the S&P 500, or 10 percentage points per year over that half-decade since the market bottom.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

As I said earlier, the market has historically returned 10 percent per year. In this case, that’s what we’re getting in outperformance alone. And I’ll put this into real dollar figures just like I did above. Say you’d invested $50,000 USD at the bottom of the dot-com market fallout on October 7, 2002… After five years, you would have been looking $99,000 USD.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Hey, yet again I think most of us would take that! But if you’d put that same $50,000 USD in the Nasdaq you’d instead be looking at $124,000 USD… A difference of $25,000 USD, or exactly half that initial $50,000 USD investment.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

So why am I telling you all this?

Well, we all know 2022 was a rough year in the market. But were you aware the U.S. S&P 500 actually dropped by a whopping 25% from January to October alone? Now, as you’ve heard a million times, past performance is no guarantee of future results… But if the same pattern of the Nasdaq outperforming the S&P 500 in the immediate aftermath of a major market pullback continues, it’s certainly starting to look like an extremely exciting time for growth stocks to us. That’s Reason #1 that I’m excited about growth stocks right now. As to the question of how long this will take to begin playing out… Well that’s Reason #2. Get this… Very few everyday investors are aware, but the best-performing industry of 2023 so far isn’t energy or — despite inflation — consumer staples. It’s not travel, despite pandemic restrictions finally being all but gone. Believe it or not, it’s technology. The tech sector is already up more than 20% in 2023 alone! While technology isn’t directly synonymous with growth, we all know there’s a massive crossover between the two. When you start to see this tech sector taking off like this starting 2023 after an extremely tough 2022, it certainly starts to look like growth stocks are already showing some of the exact same post-downturn tendencies we’ve been discussing. In fact, a recent Wall Street Journal headline concluded:

“S&P 500’s Resilience in the Banking Crisis Is Largely Thanks to Tech.”

—The Wall Street Journal

But that’s not the only catalyst working in our favor…

Why stalling Fed rate hikes also bode well for growth stocks

If there’s once thing we’ve seen since inflation started running rampant two years ago and the Fed started frantically hiking interest rates to combat it, it’s that growth stocks have taken the brunt of the impact in the market. And it makes sense, right? They’re called “growth” stocks for a reason — the majority of earnings growth resides out past five years. You’re predicting it’s going to happen in the longer-term future, not the immediate future. So higher interest rates put more pressure on growth stock valuations than value stocks, which have higher cash flows and earnings in the near term. Basically, their “value” is already proven and readily apparent. But as the Fed continues slowing down the rate hikes like it has recently, this pressure on growth-stock valuations will ease and growth stocks will look more and more attractive. And as Motley Fool analyst and growth-investing specialist Emily Flippen said the other day, there’s a surprising reason for added optimism from higher interest rates hammering growth stocks over the past couple years… She explained that when interest rates rise, it gives an opportunity for growth investors to separate the cream from the crop. All the readily accessible capital — “free money,” as Emily quipped — that was previously pumping up a lot of these companies was gone all of a sudden. And it quickly became “put up or shut up” time. What we’re left with is legitimately high-quality growth companies that are capable of self-funding their operations, as opposed to constantly having to go back and borrow more capital at a near-zero rate of interest. The way I look at it, it makes a really compelling investment case for why RIGHT NOW is a time for growth-minded investors that have a long-term time horizon to get very, very excited about the market. We’ve just had a kind of “culling” that’s separated the high-quality businesses that have managed to survive from the laggards that were basically treading water on somebody else’s dime. And that’s Reason #3 for why growth stocks could be about to go on a tear. Which brings us to the question of the day:

“Is it finally time to pile (back) into growth stocks?”

I’ll be frank — I do think now is the perfect time to be buying growth stocks. Looking back over the long-term does tell investors that growth is the place you want to be. As analyst Emily Flippen noted on our “Maximum Upside Masterclass,” if the businesses you’re invested in aren’t growing, they’re inherently falling behind. Think about that for a minute. Being a growth investor is choosing between being forward-looking versus being stagnant. And looking for the type of companies that five… 10… or 15 years from now are going to be the businesses that others look back on and say, “Man, that was so obvious.” Of course, that growth always looks obvious in hindsight. But you’d be shocked by how many investors actually miss out on those opportunities in the moment because they’re anxious about the timing. That’s when you start hearing a lot of stories from your neighbor or your coworker about how, “I was all over Apple back in the day… I just didn’t pull the trigger.” Or “Man, I knew Amazon was going to change shopping as we know it… but the price was never right so I missed out.” When you think about it, it’s amazing how many “What if?” and “Oh, I was so close!” stories we hear about… and how comparatively few “Yep, I pulled the trigger and struck it big” stories that are passed along. (And we both know much how your everyday person would much prefer to brag about their successes instead of lamenting their failures.) Now, if you’ve been following along over the past few days, you already know the theme of the week is “Maximum Upside.” But how do we achieve that? It all starts with something we call the “Blast Off formula”…

The full details of the “Blast Off formula” reveal its simplicity — and its power

In my experience, the vast majority of what’s covered out there in the investing world is just noise. Our job is to find the signal — the handful of things that really matter. The “Blast Off formula” was developed as we discovered that many of The Motley Fool’s best-performing U.S. investments had certain factors in common… And so we sought to identify those factors BEFORE a company went on a huge bull run and a lot of that “Maximum Upside” potential was already gone.

“Maximum Upside” Factor #1

Get in Early (before all the growth is gone!)

The first factor to consider when applying the “Blast Off formula” is absolutely crucial for finding these “Maximum Upside” opportunities. And it requires looking beyond the headlines and searching for smaller players so we can get in before most to capitalize on long-term growth. Take Amazon, one of the biggest Motley Fool winners ever. We recommended the stock inside our U.S. Stock Advisor service all the way back in 2002… It was still a small-ish company, about a US$6 billion market cap, and it was growing. Fast. Since Amazon started its incredible growth journey to become the e-commerce giant it is today, the company continued to increase its revenue at a remarkable rate. Of course, if you have a pulse, you already know how that turned out for early investors.


Chart refers to U.S. market.

But here’s the thing. Amazon is a great stock — but it’s certainly not among our “Blast Off” stocks today… Simply because it fails our “Maximum Upside” test by being so incredibly big and well-known by now. But doesn’t getting in on stocks in their earlier stages also increase the potential risks? That’s where some of the other factors of the “Blast Off formula” come into play.

“Maximum Upside” Factor #2:

Massive Market Opportunity

While “Blast Off” stocks may be riskier than later-stage businesses, the potential gains of an absolutely MASSIVE market opportunity can offset that. In other words, one huge winner can pay for quite a few losers. And this second factor is especially important for any Motley Fool member looking to build a 25+ stock portfolio… We leverage fundamental optimism to find disruptive companies transforming society with massive market opportunities. The thing about going after companies with huge addressable markets is that even if they only capture a fraction of that markets… that’s still a LOT of room to grow! So how does a company take advantage of a massive market opportunity? It all starts with the person leading the company.

“Maximum Upside” Factor #3:

Visionary Leadership

Think about it… Seventy years ago, what was the key difference between McDonald’s and the tens of thousands of other restaurants across America? It certainly wasn’t better burgers… It was Ray Kroc. What was the difference between Walmart and the thousands of other Main Street stores it out-hustled and outcompeted on its way to dominance over American retail? Sam Walton. The same is true with Amazon and Jeff Bezos. Tesla and Elon Musk. Now, here’s the thing — quantifying the quality of leadership is very difficult. There’s no magical ratio you can feed into a spreadsheet. And so, unfortunately, far too many people ignore the ‘intangibles’ — like leadership quality and company culture — that can help a company rise head and shoulders above the competition.

“Maximum Upside” Factor #4:

Winners Keep Winning

This is especially important for us long-term investors that are looking for generational wealth-building opportunities that can last for decades. And it flies directly in the face of a lot of the ‘conventional wisdom’ out there. We have found that companies that are firing on all cylinders can sustain long bull runs — so we often look for past price appreciation in stocks that we’re considering for inclusion per the “Blast Off formula.” And that “winners keep winning” mindset isn’t just about stock price appreciation, either. After all, a company that has had years of rapid, sustainable growth… well, we think it has a pretty clear pathway to years of more rapid sustainable growth in the future, too! Now, of course, it’s easy to look back with 20-20 hindsight and see why the best stocks of the past 20 years crushed the market. After all, we know there are monster stocks lurking out there right now… the NEXT Amazon or Tesla is probably already on the public markets today. And our team’s “Blast Off formula” is finely honed to uncover them before they break out. But at the same time, it’s incredibly difficult and time consuming to do the research to pinpoint the companies that could deliver those kinds of returns. I mean, there are approximately 41,000 publicly traded companies in the world. The Motley Fool has hundreds of active stock picks across its services. Even scrubbing through those, researching the businesses, understanding the opportunity in each, getting to know leadership, and all the other research necessary to pick what you think are the best would be a titanic endeavor. Which is why we’ve made a far simpler solution… Today, for the first time ever, we’re inviting new members to potentially capitalize on what I believe is the most time-sensitive “Maximum Upside” opportunity we’ve ever shared…



The Motley Fool’s Maximum Upside growth service!

When you join Blast Off today, you’ll get access to our team’s initial five picks in the brand-new Blast Off Recommendations scorecard. Two of which has literally never been formally recommended in ANY Motley Fool service. Period. They’re brand-new official recommendations to the Fool! Here’s a little bit about them:

Brand-New-to-TMF Blast Off Stock #1 The “Digital Ad Quality Controller”: What if I told you that digital advertising fraud is expected to reach a staggering US$100 billion by 2024? As digital advertising becomes more and more pervasive with our ever-increasing emphasis on screens and the internet, ensuring the companies paying for those ads are actually getting their money’s worth is paramount. And that’s where the “Digital Ad Quality Controller” comes in.

This company’s “Context Control” technology evaluates content for advertisers and helps them place the right ads within complementary content (showing an ad for a beauty product within an article about skin care) and prevents them from placing ads within questionable content (showing an ad for a new children’s movie within violent content). Perhaps best of all, this company’s currently a sub US$3B market cap.

New-to-TMF Blast Off Stock #2 The “Global Fitness Franchisor”: When COVID-19 forced us all to stay home, many believed home fitness was the wave of the future and that connected fitness would upend traditional gyms and boutique fitness studios. As the pandemic began to subside and people furiously returned to their gyms, the at-home trend slowed sharply. So which way do people really want to work out? Both.

That’s what makes the “Global Fitness Franchisor” so intriguing. As an interest in fitness remains on the upswing, the largest fitness franchisor in the world — comprising 10 boutique fitness brands across a wide variety of modalities such as Pilates, cycling, rowing, boxing, yoga, etc. — delivers class-based fitness via 2,600+ retail locations, a digital on-demand app, and creative nontraditional locations. Basically, this company does it all. And growth is exploding. Our Blast Off team believes the company is positioned for continued strong growth, expanding margins, and free cash flow conversion that aren’t being properly appreciated by Wall Street.

And while you’ll get those five stocks from our brand-new Blast Off Recommendations scorecard the second you join, you can expect 1-2 stocks per month going forward as well, as the Blast Off team brings you their brightest “Maximum Upside” picks at any point in time. But that’s just a tiny part of everything you’ll get when you join Blast Off today… You’ll also get access to all of our real-money portfolios that we’ve launched in the past, including:

Blast Off 2020 A fully allocated 27-stock real-money Motley Fool portfolio.

Blast Off 2021 A fully allocated 21-stock real-money Motley Fool portfolio.

Blast Off 2022 – A fully allocated 27-stock real-money Motley Fool portfolio.

All in all, you’re looking at 80 separate Blast Off “Maximum Upside” recommendations the instant you join… And that doesn’t even account for all the ongoing picks you’ll receive month in and month out from our brand-new Blast Off Recommendations scorecard. That is a LOT of “Maximum Upside” picks, my friend. And getting back to our “Winners Keep Winning” maxim from earlier, look no further than Axon Enterprise, which we’ve recommended in all three of our previous Blast Off portfolios:


Chart refers to U.S. market.

Of course, as long as you remain a Blast Off member, you’ll continue receiving ongoing trade alerts, rankings, and other update — including sell recommendations, should we no longer have confidence in one of our picks. But that’s not all….

Until midnight only, we’re automatically upgrading every new Blast Off member to VIP status!

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And VIPs get access to three VIP-only bonus reports, including:

VIP Bonus Report

3 of Our Favorite Stocks from Biotech Breakthroughs

When it comes to pure “Maximum Upside” growth, there may be no more “growth-oriented” field than biotech. In this report, we’re revealing three of our favorite U.S. stocks straight from the one and only purely biotech-focused service at the Fool. [A $300 value.]

VIP Bonus Report

3 Covert Energy Stocks

Three well-known U.S. companies that you’d never expect to be big players in the energy sector. [A $300 value.]

VIP Bonus Report

3 TMF High Conviction Stocks on Sale for Under US$100

We love the quality of these three companies and think you’re getting a bargain on them right now. [A $300 value.]

That’s $900 in additional value from VIP reports alone!

Which brings me to “the big question.” Okay, so how much is all of this going to cost? Now, we’ve previously charged as much as $1,999 for Blast Off membership. Which, given the number of recommendations that have already generated 2x and even 3x returns in just a few years… Not to mention the fact that you’re getting comprehensive access to a staggering 80 “Maximum Upside” picks from Day 1… Well, you can see how we would feel perfectly justified in charging that again. Plus, keep in mind that each of our past Blast Off portfolios would have had a list price of AT LEAST $1,499 and as much as $1,999. In other words, you’d have paid $4,997 for individual access to everything you’re getting today. But since we are convinced that right now is a historic time for individual investors to take advantage of what’s looking like a perfect entry point for growth-minded Fools looking to add “Maximum Upside” to their portfolios… We wanted to make sure as many investors as possible have an opportunity to join us in Blast Off. For that reason, we’re taking a quarter off the upfront cost of Blast Off vs our initial Blast Off 2020 offering. That’s right, we’ve set the list price to become a member at just $1,499. 25% less than what many members paid for access SOLELY to Blast Off 2020. But when you act before midnight, you’ll receive automatic access to our VIP package and a $700 “Early Bird” discount from the list price! So instead of paying the full $1,499 list price, you’ll get everything I just mentioned including…

Three past real-money portfolios…

Our five picks on the brand-new Blast Off Recommendations scorecard (two of which have never been recommended across the entire Fool!)…

Making for a total of 80 Day 1 “Maximum Upside” stock recommendations…

Plus nine additional unofficial recommendations across our three VIP reports…

For just $799 today. And while that’s by no means cheap, I do think it represents a terrific bargain. Now, I must note that since Blast Off is a unique solution designed to give you access to some of The Motley Fool’s most cutting-edge aggressive picks, including a batch of brand-new, just-released stock picks… We simply cannot offer cash refunds on this offer. You see, we created Blast Off for investors who are committed to building forward-looking portfolios with the right long-term strategy. If a group of short-term traders were able to gain access to it, they could quickly trade on the stock picks within and then cancel without paying their fair share. They could push up prices of the stocks and do a huge disservice to investors who are committed to this strategy for the long run. Not fair to us. Certainly not fair to you.


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Introducing… Our Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

VIP Exclusive

All members joining through this VIP invitation are also covered by The Motley Fool’s exclusive satisfaction guarantee! If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with Blast Off in the 30 days after joining, simply contact our helpful customer service team and they’ll happily work with you to transfer your membership credit to any one of our Motley Fool Canada portfolio services. No hard feelings. No cable company runaround. No more than five minutes of your time.

Now I must note…

The price you see today will be the lowest price we can offer for annual VIP access to Blast Off right now. Once the clock strikes midnight, that $700 “Early Bird” discount will expire. As you’ve seen with many of our Blast Off recommendations growing exponentially over just the past few years, this team knows how to get it done over the long haul. And with what’s looking more and more like a perfect entry point for growth stocks between:

The market nosedive in 2022…

The quick bounce-back with tech stocks already leading the market in 2023…

And the Fed slowing down or even stopping rate hikes all together…

Then you simply do not want to delay!

To injecting some serious “growth” into your portfolio,

 signature Michael Douglass Analyst The Motley Fool  

Returns as of 4/10/2023 unless otherwise noted. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Michael Douglass has positions in Amazon.com. The Motley Fool recommends Amazon.com, Tesla, and Walmart. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Blast off includes U.S. and Canadian stocks. All billing is in CAD. You will be billed according to your choice below and then $1,499 for each year thereafter.

This product is non-refundable.

Having trouble ordering or have any questions for us? Just send them to [email protected], and we’ll get back to you ASAP!


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