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Read on to learn how the “Blast Off formula” has delivered staggering portfolios wins not once… not twice… but three times over the past three years!
And now we’ve married the “Blast Off formula” to our very best and timeliest ideas to target “maximum upside” in 2021 and beyond!
This is the LAST TIME we will ever sell access to this exclusive portfolio service.
Chart refers to US markets.
All told, if you had invested $500,000 in Blast Off 2019 stocks back at the start of 2019, you’d be sitting on $1,820,000 today.Chart refers to US markets.
As thanks to the members who took a risk and joined us at the inception of the “Blast Off formula,” about a year later we launched the Blast Off 2019 Bonus portfolio, again available just in the U.S.Same formula.
Same team.
New portfolio filled with timely ideas.
And the returns? Well, I’ll let them speak for themselves. 206% gains vs 43% for the U.S. S&P 500.Chart refers to US markets.
Out of the 16 U.S. stocks recommended in the portfolio, nine — more than half — have doubled. More than one quarter of them have tripled! And keep in mind — that’s with much less time on the clock. A superb return so quickly — enough to turn $500,000 into $1.53 million. That’s more than a million dollars of gains in less than two years!Chart refers to US markets.
Our team then took the same precise formula in 2020, selected a new slate of timely “maximum upside” U.S. stocks in the Blast Off 2020 portfolio, and made it available to Canadian investors for the first time ever… and we watched our “maximum upside” approach deliver 100%+ returns in just one year. Think about that for a minute. This same playbook has demolished the market three times in a row. Members who joined these past portfolios had the opportunity to turn $500,000 into as much as $1.8 million in less than three years! I entirely understand why some investors balked at getting involved in our first Blast Off portfolio. Heck, we couldn’t bring that portfolio to Canada yet! We had great confidence in our “Blast Off formula,” but no one could have predicted that it would achieve such wild success so quickly. Of course, over 200% in gains later, I think the price of waiting is very clear. And as for the second portfolio… I mean, what are the odds lightning strikes twice? But of course, there’s a big assumption at play there… Which is that the returns from Blast Off 2019 were some kind of happy accident… Instead of the results of an incredibly rigorous system designed to target maximum returns potential. (More on that here in a moment.) But still, caution was prudent. And then there was our third launch — the Blast Off 2020 portfolio, the first time we were able to bring Canadian investors in the door. This portfolio has already delivered more than 100% returns since inception. You get the idea. And before getting into the details of how we propose to take this exact same formula and apply it to our timeliest and most exciting opportunities for the rest of 2021 and beyond… Let’s take a few minutes and reveal the full details of the “Blast Off formula” so you can see why we believe these three market-beating portfolios that have delivered as much as 264% gains are no coincidence, but rather the results of a carefully thought out and rigorous investing plan that we believe could be poised to deliver more incredible wins in the months and years ahead.Chart refers to US markets.
Nvidia has been one of the market’s top-performing stocks of the last decade. And one important reason is because Nvidia has been a major Apple supplier as it grew the smartphone market from a measly US$5 billion annually in 2006 to US$785 billion today. And when you see those kinds of industry growth rate numbers, you can expect that the companies that win are going to see massive stock returns. And that is exactly what we have seen with Nvidia. How does a company take advantage of a massive market opportunity? It all starts with the person leading the company.Instant access to the first 21 picks in the Blast Off 2021 portfolio, including one crypto (already up a massive 61% in just over a month!) that has never been recommended anywhere else in The Motley Fool. It’s totally exclusive to Blast Off 2021 — and emblematic of the kinds of “get in early” investments we’re targeting as the team seeks maximum upside.
Our fully allocated game plan — backed up by The Motley Fool LLC’s own investment cash. No guessing about allocation here! Every investment recommendation in the Blast Off 2021 portfolio is backed by cash from The Motley Fool LLC, so you can see dollar for dollar EXACTLY how our team of professional analysts allocate money to each stock. This portfolio isn’t just a disparate group of stocks, but a team of companies melded together with the goal of helping you take full advantage of every “maximum upside” opportunity we’re finding in today’s market.
Ongoing trade alerts, rankings, and updates. The team has more cash to allocate to stocks in the next and final quarterly investment round, plus we’ll offer quarterly rankings (so members can know how the team is thinking about investments in the portfolio)… sell recommendations if necessary… and so much more!
And the moment you accept today’s exclusive invitation to join Blast Off 2021 as a VIP member, you will unlock full access to a host of other VIP exclusives, including:VIP Exclusive
“3 Top Small-Cap Stocks”
These three stocks were hand-selected by the Blast Off team to complement Blast Off 2021. We think this is a must-have for any investor looking to take maximum advantage! A $300 value.
VIP Exclusive
“The 3 Best-Performing Blast Off Stocks”
In this writeup, we reveal the three best-performing Blast Off stocks ever across all four of our Blast Off portfolios. A can’t-miss! And a $300 value.
VIP Exclusive
“Cutting Room Floor: 3 Stocks That Just Missed Our Portfolio”
The Blast Off team believes these fantastic stocks could deliver massive upside, but they didn’t quite make it into the Blast Off 2021 portfolio… at least for now! Another $300 value.
VIP Exclusive
“3 Stocks That Will Never Blast Off”
Part of investing well is knowing what not to buy. The team believes these three stocks will never have what it takes to join a Blast Off portfolio.
VIP Exclusive
“The Motley Fool’s 3 Most Accomplished U.S. Stocks”
These U.S. stocks are The Motley Fool’s biggest winners across all of our active scorecards. Get insight into how and why! A $300 value.
VIP Exclusive
An exclusive VIP Q&A with the Blast Off team.
We’ll answer questions about our gameplan for targeting maximum upside, about the portfolio itself, why certain companies AREN’T recommended… and so much more! Of course, please note we cannot offer personal financial advice of any kind, but we think this call will be well worth your time. A $99 value.
All members joining through this VIP Member Invitation are also covered by The Motley Fool’s exclusive satisfaction guarantee!
Our Blast Off 2021 Portfolio | $1,499/year |
3 Top Small-Cap Stocks | $300 |
The 3 Best Performing Blast Off Stocks | $300 |
Cutting Room Floor: 3 Stocks That Just Missed Our Portfolio | $300 |
3 Stocks That Will Never Blast Off | N/A |
The Motley Fool’s 3 Most Accomplished Stocks | $300 |
An Exclusive VIP Q&A with Our Team | $99 |
Total Value | $2,798 |
Blast Off 2021‘s List Price | |
Your “Last Chance Launch Day” VIP Discount for TODAY ONLY! | -$200 |
Total Savings | $1,499 |
YOUR FINAL VIP PRICE | Just $1,299! |
Returns as of 8/16/2021 unless otherwise stated. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Michael Douglass owns shares of Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, and Apple. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends the following options: long January 2022 $1,920 calls on Amazon, long March 2023 $120 calls on Apple, short January 2022 $1,940 calls on Amazon, and short March 2023 $130 calls on Apple.
Blast Off 2021 includes U.S. stocks. All billing is in CAD. You will be billed according to your choice below and then $1,499 for each year thereafter.
This product is non-refundable.
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