Tom Gardner just launched a brand-new portfolio filled exclusively with stocks possessing our “Ultimate X-Factor” trait that’s led to 10X AVERAGE returns across past Motley Fool U.S. recommendations!

This unique “Ultimate X-Factor” trait is the first indicator of historic 10X returns ever uncovered by us here at the Fool…

Now imagine an entire 40-position portfolio, where 100% of the stocks possessing the exact same trait that’s led us to a who’s who of Motley Fool U.S. “Hall of Fame” winners like NFLX (+35,032%)… AMZN (+22,689%)… NVDA (+18,745%)… TSLA (+18,389%)… and MELI (+11,579%)!

That’s right – the FIVE BIGGEST WINNERS in Motley Fool U.S. history all possess this unique “Ultimate X-Factor” trait! Now Tom and his team are scouring the markets for what they hope could be the next in that line of “Hall of Fame” winners



This “Early Bird” offer to join Tom on this special journey as a VIP charter member will disappear at midnight tonight… at which time the price to join will instantly shoot up by $500!

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  Dear fellow investor, If the pandemic has taught us anything as investors… It’s that when the world gets turned upside down and panic sets in, having a well-crafted game plan for your investment portfolio can allow you to take advantage of market dips and potentially accelerate progress toward your investing goals by years, or even decades… And perhaps more important, that NOT having one can be absolutely ruinous to the wealth of you and your family. So, if you’re like so many other Motley Fool members I’ve met over the years who are always looking to improve their returns and portfolio, I’d like you to imagine starting 2022 fresh by knowing exactly which stocks should be in a portfolio — which ones to buy, which to sell, and how much money to commit to each trade. Imagine having the confidence of knowing you don’t have just one or two great stock picks, but an entire portfolio of stocks working together to deliver potentially market-crushing returns. If you’re like me, you don’t want a patchwork of random stocks… you demand explicit asset allocation guidance that simply removes all the guesswork. And you want a track record that proves it works — even through market volatility like we’ve seen throughout the pandemic. Thankfully, I’ve got great news for both of us. Motley Fool CEO Tom Gardner has announced the creation of a brand-new Motley Fool investing service that allows individual members like you to follow along — trade for trade — as Tom and his team build out a portfolio with the audacious goal of achieving 500% returns over the decade ahead. While 6X returns in a mere 10 years may sound like a bold goal, Tom is convinced he and his team can help members like you achieve that goal for a very simple, yet all-important reason: Namely, the strategy fueling this brand-new portfolio has proven to be The Motley Fool’s #1 strategy, and which has helped individual investors generate life-changing returns for decades. In fact, we’ve recently determined that Motley Fool U.S. recommendations containing this singular “Ultimate X-Factor” trait have historically averaged 10X returns per stock.


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Allow me to quickly explain… Regardless of how long you’ve been following us here at The Motley Fool Canada, I’m sure you’re familiar with the world-class, market-beating track record we — and our sister company in the U.S. — have established through the years. After all, I don’t know of another company in the financial industry that has matched The Motley Fool’s ability to consistently lead investors like you to some of the most life-changing investment returns the market has ever seen. I am of course talking about Motley Fool U.S.’s first recommendations of companies like: Netflix (up 35,032%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Amazon (up 22,689%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Nvidia (up 18,745%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Shopify (up 7,197%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

MercadoLibre (up 11,579%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services. (up 4,397%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Tesla (up 18,389%)…


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Now, as you’d expect, as we’ve helped thousands of our individual members rack up winner after winner, Tom has had countless investors ask (and even downright beg) him to share the “secret” behind The Motley Fool’s enviable success. And while many companies in the financial service industry would prefer to keep their “edge” hidden from the public eye, here at The Motley Fool, we tend to do things a bit differently. In fact, Tom is happy to share the formula behind his success with as many investors as possible! After all, he and his brother, David, founded the company with the purpose of making the world smarter, happier, and richer! Which is why a few years ago, Tom commissioned a comprehensive research project to do a complete review of the various investing strategies, factors, and screens we’ve used to identify promising stocks here at The Motley Fool. And while nearly all The Motley Fool’s strategies have crushed the market over time…

Our team discovered The Motley Fool’s most lucrative returns have been generated by our betting on a small group of U.S. stocks with ONE unusual, albeit extremely powerful, factor

Something we’ve taken to calling the “Ultimate X-Factor” at the company over the past week or so. Namely, we discovered that investing solely in The Motley Fool’s recommendations of founder-led stocks would have allowed any investor to absolutely crush the market! I know that may be a bit surprising — but take a look back at the stocks (and life-changing returns) I just mentioned above… Netflix, Amazon, Nvidia, Shopify, MercadoLibre, Salesforce, and Tesla… all among The Motley Fool’s most lucrative “Hall of Fame” recommendations… and all were companies with a CEO who was also the company’s founder at the time of our recommendation. And although not all of our picks have performed as well as those, here’s the thing: There’s absolutely no need to cherry-pick specific companies, because this incredible performance has in no way been limited to just a handful of stocks… Time and again, this founder-focused investing philosophy has consistently led The Motley Fool’s top investors directly to the market’s most game-changing stocks. Have a look at this chart that summarizes the complete findings from our analysis of the nearly 900 stock recommendations we’ve made in our two flagship stock-picking services in the U.S., Motley Fool Stock Advisor and Motley Fool Rule Breakers


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

As you can see, The Motley Fool U.S. has crushed the market on recommendations of both founder-led stocks and non-founder-led stocks. However, investors have achieved the best historical returns — by far — simply by following our recommendations of companies still run by their founders. In fact, this founder “Ultimate X-Factor” is actually the only factor we’ve ever identified that’s led to PROVEN 10X returns on past Motley Fool U.S. recommendations. Given how profitable this strategy has been, it’s no surprise that back in 2019 Tom Gardner and his team launched Motley Fool Canada’s first and only founder-focused portfolio service — The Partnership Portfolio — to make sure investors like you wouldn’t miss out on the next group of founder-led stocks we think could be poised to deliver life-changing returns.

To say that Tom has delivered on that promise would be an understatement

Since The Partnership Portfolio launched in 2019, Motley Fool Canada members following along with the portfolio trade for trade have achieved mind-boggling returns of 100% — compared to just 52% for the S&P 500/TSX Composite over that same time! That’s 2X your money in just two and a half years, not to mention an astounding 48% outperformance over an already incredible performing market! All without using risky options strategies or leverage of any kind! Simply by knowing which founder-led stocks to invest in… at what price to get in… and how much of each stock to buy… … members of The Partnership Portfolio who invested $100,000 into Motley Fool Canada’s trades would now be sitting on $200,300, while investors who simply invested in S&P 500/TSX index funds would only be sitting on $152,230! Again, these life-altering returns didn’t slowly accumulate over the course of three and a half decades… they happened over a mere two and a half years. And I probably don’t need to remind you that 2.5-year period included a pandemic that shook the market to its very core. In fact, The Partnership Portfolio was such an undeniable success that Tom has decided to double down on his theory. With Tom’s announcement today, you’re being given a rare “second chance” to get in early on a new, small group of founder-led stocks that Tom and team believes represent one of the greatest buying opportunities they’ve ever seen. This is why we’re so excited to be able to finally extend a special charter member invitation to our brand new service, the Ownership Portfolio, to loyal Motley Fool Canada members like you for the first time ever today! Because here’s the thing…

The Ownership Portfolio is your “second chance” at The Motley Fool’s most explosive founder-led stocks

The groundbreaking investing solution we are revealing today, named the Ownership Portfolio, is an all-new portfolio service specifically designed to eliminate all the guesswork and put the power of The Motley Fool’s most successful investment strategy directly in members’ hands. Being a founder-CEO himself, as well as having interviewed, met, and befriended dozens of founder-CEOs over the years — including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Netflix’s Reed Hastings — Tom Gardner believes the highest returns are achieved when you invest in leaders you would want to personally “own” a business with. That’s why for just the second time in Motley Fool Canada’s 9-year history, Tom and his most-trusted advisors have handpicked a comprehensive portfolio of their HIGHEST-conviction founder-led companies. While The Partnership Portfolio has helped its members who followed along win big with successful bets on founders like Jeff Green of The Trade Desk (+290%)… Tobi Lutke of Shopify (+429%)… Mike Cannon-Brookes of Atlassian (+214%), and Todd McKinnon of Okta (+147%)… … Tom is firmly convinced there’s another group of visionary, yet still largely unknown, leaders who are now emerging and present an even bigger opportunity for high-upside returns. The Ownership Portfolio is specifically built to help members pinpoint this next generation of visionary founders that we believe are capable of achieving returns of 5X… 10X… or even 20X or more — something The Motley Fool has been doing for nearly three decades now. Like back in 2009, when the U.S. Motley Fool team discovered MercadoLibre’s founder and CEO, Marcos Galperin, running a tiny, US$646 million e-commerce upstart in a part of the world almost no investors were watching. Blown away by his strategic vision and commitment to the business, our U.S. analysts recommended that investors go “all in” on Galperin.


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Since that first recommendation, investors in the U.S. have bagged an incredible 11,579% return! Or like in 2016, when we first caught wind of an ambitious entrepreneur here in Canada named Tobi Lutke, who had a bold vision of making it easy for anyone to set up an online store — a company you probably know as Shopify:


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

Our largest recommendation of Shopify in the U.S. is already up 7,197% in just half a decade. And then there’s’s outspoken founder, Marc Benioff. Back in 2009, many critics saw a cocky rebel, but we saw a dynamic CEO who was building a cloud computing powerhouse positioned to host every bit of corporate data that connects to the Web — and disrupt Microsoft, SAP, and Oracle on its way to 4,397% returns:


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

And who could forget the visionary founders behind The Motley Fool U.S.’s two most rewarding “Hall of Fame” investments of all time? I’m of course talking about Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Reed Hastings of Netflix. Even though these two trailblazers are household names today, that was not the case 17 years ago when Tom first personally met Jeff and Reed! Many investors wrongly believed Walmart would crush Amazon and Blockbuster would surely squash Netflix. Lucky for investors who listened to The Fool’s guidance, our analyst teams here at The Motley Fool understood why having the chance to invest in these up-and-coming entrepreneurs could represent a life-changing buying opportunity. The top recommendation in our U.S. services of Amazon is now up 22,689%, or a staggering 227X every dollar invested.


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

But even Amazon can’t compete with what Netflix has done on behalf of Motley Fool U.S. members, up 35,032% — which comes out to a borderline incomprehensible 351X of investors’ money!


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

I realize these 100X+ returns from The Motley Fool’s most successful founder-led recommendations seem almost too good to be true. And of course, not all picks perform quite as well. But as any long-time Motley Fool Canada member can attest, they’re very, very real. And real members just like you have benefited from them! But here’s the rub — this founder “Ultimate X-Factor” phenomenon isn’t unique to The Motley Fool’s U.S. recommendations… In fact, independent researchers at Bain & Company confirmed investing solely in founder-led stocks within the S&P 500 would have grown your wealth three times more than investing in non-founder-led stocks from 1990 to 2014.


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

The research is clear: The Motley Fool’s bets in the U.S. on the market’s most dynamic founder-CEOs have yielded returns of 1,000%, 5,000%, 20,000%, and, yes, even 35,000%!

As you can see from the results we’ve laid out here today, time and time again, investors who can consistently identify the market’s most visionary founders stand to be rewarded with market-crushing returns. At this point, you can likely see why Tom Gardner believes the ONE and ONLY chance at investing in the leaders who will become the next Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, or Reed Hastings is by embracing founder-led investing. However, even though Tom has been pounding the table for market-crushing founder-led stocks like Amazon, Shopify, Netflix, and MercadoLibre for years, we know from our hundreds of discussions with loyal Motley Fool Canada members that many of you are still missing out on these returns. What’s more, Tom also believes the small group of founder-CEOs he’s identified for the Ownership Portfolio could represent the next round of founder-led companies, with the potential to produce returns of 1,000%… 5,000%… even 35,000%! And not only does he want to make sure investors like you don’t miss your chance to invest in these promising visionaries… he wants to make sure you can get invested in them TODAY. The Ownership Portfolio service — which is being offered to Canadians for the first time ever — is designed to eliminate 100% of the guesswork that comes with building a portfolio in what we believe are today’s most promising founder-led stocks. And it’s precisely why today Tom is formally inviting you to become a charter member of the Ownership Portfolio! Instead of having to venture out, wade through, and vet every founder-CEO in the market, Tom and his team do all the work for members. From analyzing financial statements… to digging through SEC documents… to conducting market research… to even speaking one-on-one with our favorite founders today… Tom built the Ownership Portfolio to be a one-stop shop for founder-led investing. And as a matter of significant importance…

Allow me to tell you about Tom’s proven system for historically identifying some of the market’s most promising (and profitable) founders!

As you’ve seen from the incredible returns we’ve shared so far, Tom believes investing in the market’s greatest entrepreneurs could be the surest way of owning shares in today’s highest-upside companies. Considering that all past founder-led Motley Fool recommendations from U.S. Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers have averaged a whopping 10X return, it’s hard to blame him!


Chart refers to U.S. markets, and Motley Fool U.S. services.

And while you may never have considered using this unique factor that has a way to increase your chances of finding the next Netflix- or Amazon-like stock, it makes sense when you think about it… Seventy years ago, what was the key difference between McDonald’s and the tens of thousands of other restaurants across America? It certainly wasn’t better burgers… It was Ray Kroc. What was the difference between Walmart and the thousands of other Main Street stores it outhustled and outcompeted on its way to dominance of American retail? Sam Walton. And why did Apple turn every $10,000 invested in its IPO into more than $10 million today? Steve Jobs. Now, you might be wondering how Tom Gardner so consistently helps members like you invest in visionary founders like Reed Hastings or Jeff Bezos, while also avoiding the slick-talking frauds who talk a big game but always leave investors disappointed… Well, the truth is I believe Tom Gardner has a unique advantage shared by almost no other investor on Earth, which is that he’s not just an investor… but as the CEO of The Motley Fool, he also runs a 10-figure multinational business. Tom can stare a fellow CEO right in the eyes (or via Zoom these days)… understand what it’s like to be in their shoes… and know if they’re working hard to grow their investors’ wealth. If you’ve been with the Fool a while, you may have already heard a few of the recorded interviews Tom has done with business visionaries like Starbucks founder Howard Schultz, or Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher. And while one of the reasons Tom shares these interviews with Motley Fool members like you is to pass along invaluable investment insights… The other reason he’s flown thousands of miles all over the country to meet with these business leaders is that he wants to be able to directly look a fellow CEO in the eye and ask them the tough questions. You see, Tom believes the ability to speak directly with leaders like Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal… The Trade Desk founder Jeff Green… Shopify founder Tobias Lutke… and Netflix founder Reed Hastings… is the single greatest advantage an investor can have when hunting for the next round of founder-led stocks that will produce market-beating returns. Think about it: Would you ever enter into a business partnership without having the chance to first talk to the other person one-on-one? Of course not!

One tool in Tom’s toolbox is that he can reach out to founder-CEOs who have the potential to deliver multi-bagger returns. And he has!

Of course, Tom’s system for pinpointing founder-led companies with the potential to produce the types of +500% returns he’s specifically targeting within the Ownership Portfolio requires much more than a simple conversation. And of course, not every company that is identified here will deliver that type of return. Just because a CEO says the right things doesn’t guarantee his or her company will be a big winner. In fact, I expect you’d be surprised how many of the world’s most “popular” founders are running companies with shockingly low upside. Which is why Tom’s system for evaluating founder-led companies contains several more crucial steps. By that, we mean Tom and team solely focus on founder-led companies with…

Rock-solid brands (like Reed Hastings has done with Netflix)…

Exceptional competitive advantages (like Jeff Bezos has done with Amazon)…

Long-term-focused, shareholder-friendly management (like Warren Buffett has done with Berkshire Hathaway)…

An ability to create products and services that feed consumer demand (like Tobi Lutke has done with Shopify)…

A plan for long-term expansion (like Mark Zuckerberg has done with Facebook)…

… that they think can continue to grow their market, crank out cash, and reward long-term shareholders for years or even decades to come. To make big returns on founder-led stocks, you must find leaders who fit nearly all these criteria…

Which is precisely why the Ownership Portfolio gives members instant exposure to Tom Gardner’s top founder-led stocks!

If you’ve stuck with me this far, you can see why Tom is so convinced every investor who is on the hunt for stocks that could return 5X, 10X, even 35X MUST have exposure in their portfolio to founder-led companies. And if you agree, then I’d love to quickly tell you why becoming a charter member of the Ownership Portfolio could be the single-most important decision you make for your investment portfolio during this wild year of trading. As you may know, most investing solutions that solely target high-conviction stocks that have the potential to hand investors returns of 5X or more only give their subscribers a handful of recommendations to invest in… Then, over the course of several years — as more and more companies are researched — it’s standard for these services to eventually contain a portfolio with a dozen or more stocks. Because, as you’d expect, finding founder-led companies that meet all the criteria Tom looks for in potentially market-beating stocks is extremely rare. To start with, 90% of the companies Tom reviews almost immediately go straight in the trash bin. And as I just explained, his process isn’t some “screen” run by a computer spitting out a series of numbers and companies — it’s real human analysis that Tom has spent his entire adult life honing, living, and perfecting. While his process has been able to historically produce many big winners, and while there’s no guarantee of future success, it also takes a lot of time. And with the track record we’ve been able to amass here at The Motley Fool, a service offering only a handful of top founder-led companies each year would almost certainly be a steal for any serious investor interested in this strategy. But when I say the Ownership Portfolio is designed to give you instant exposure to all of Tom’s best ideas that fit these criteria, I mean it! Because with the Ownership Portfolio, you won’t have to wait years for Tom and his team to slowly construct a portfolio that diversifies your risk AND gives you access to their most high-conviction founder-led recommendations… In fact, you won’t even have to wait months! That’s because, Tom will be releasing a brand-new portfolio on behalf of members who decide to join The Motley Fool Canada in this first-ever launch of the Ownership Portfolio.

The initial 10 positions in the portfolio are already waiting on our private, members-only website right this moment.

All 10 initial positions come complete with full allocation guidance, as well as a comprehensive write-up telling members precisely why Tom and team believe the company has the chance to return 500% over the coming decade. Then, over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll be releasing the rest of the portfolio in tranches of 10, as we build out the Ownership Portfolio to its initial 40 or so positions. We believe this “spaced out” approach not only makes it easier for members to keep up to date with every position and accompanying write-up that we release… but it also makes it infinitely more manageable to follow along and buy the positions in their own portfolios, without feeling totally overwhelmed! It’s also worth noting: The founders and companies featured in the Ownership Portfolio are NOT large-cap blue chips like Amazon and Netflix. As I’ve explained, while our team here at The Motley Fool loves those companies and have made a lot of money by investing in them, Tom and team are now looking for companies that can produce at least 500% returns over the next decade. And as much as we appreciate Amazon and Netflix for helping us get to an average of 10X returns across all of our founder-led recommendations, we think it’s unlikely that they’ll be putting up those kinds of returns going forward. That’s why the founders you will find in the Ownership Portfolio tend to be higher-risk, higher-reward investments.

Here’s exactly what you can expect to experience inside the Ownership Portfolio

To help you decide if you’re ready to access what we believe is one of the most unique solutions The Motley Fool has ever offered… Here are the exact details on what you’ll find inside the Ownership Portfolio and why it has Tom buzzing with excitement: ALL 40 or so stocks will pass Tom’s rigorous investing system for evaluating founder-CEOs ALL 40 or so stocks are ones Tom and team have identified as having at least 500% potential upside in the coming years Additionally, Tom wanted each recommendation you’ll receive in the Ownership Portfolio to contain among the most high-quality and unique research The Motley Fool has ever produced. Because while The Motley Fool has uncovered so many of the market’s most lucrative founders by issuing “buy alerts” on their companies early in their founding… That also means many of the founder-CEOs featured in the Ownership Portfolio are decidedly NOT household names! And since we can imagine most new members of the Ownership Portfolio will maybe have heard of only one or two of these founders… Tom and team built a special research hub where new members can quickly and easily find information on the portfolio and the founders featured inside, including:

In-depth research reports on each founder and company: Each research report gives members our full profile on the CEO, a complete view of the company’s strategy and potential risks, and a full analysis of each recommendation’s upside potential.

“The X-Factor Formula”: an exclusive research report detailing how we found each company: We created this special report to fill members in on everything we think they need to know about founder-led stocks, including how to fit the Ownership Portfolio into an existing portfolio.

Specific allocation guidance for every stock: Every single stock in the Ownership Portfolio comes with specific allocation guidance. This information helps our members pinpoint exactly how much of each stock Tom and team believe they should own.

In fact, because Tom is so committed to showing members how to build a world-class portfolio of the companies he’s selected for the Ownership Portfolio, he’s putting our money where his mouth is. More specifically…

Tom is staking US$250,000 of The Motley Fool LLC’s own money on the positions featured inside the Ownership Portfolio

Yes, you read that right. Tom has asked The Motley Fool U.S.’s CFO to earmark US$250,000 of The Motley Fool LLC’s own money into a brokerage account, which will then be used to invest in the roughly 40 positions that will initially comprise the Ownership Portfolio. Of course, because our members are always our #1 priority, we’ll be making our purchases after our members have a chance to access the portfolio. Tom believes this real-money investment shows how much he truly believes the Ownership Portfolio is a complete portfolio solution that works to help you limit your risk AND increase your exposure to founders we’ve identified as the highest-quality in the market today. And as you’re likely aware, many other investment services across the globe just love doling out their “brilliant” investment advice… tips… tricks… picks… strategies… etc. But when it comes to literally putting their money where their mouth is, they’re somehow nowhere to be found. Which raises an unsettling question… If they don’t have enough conviction in their advice to put their own cash behind it for the long haul, then why the heck should you? Fortunately, that’s not a problem you’ll ever encounter in the Ownership Portfolio.

When we win inside the Ownership Portfolio, our members win too! That’s the way we believe an investing partnership should work.

But let’s get one thing crystal clear… You, as a member, do NOT need $250,000 to invest alongside the Ownership Portfolio. Rather, the Ownership Portfolio is a complete do-it-yourself solution designed with the goal of turbocharging your portfolio’s returns. By becoming a member, you can easily replicate the Ownership Portfolio in most brokerage accounts, with as little as $50,000. The Ownership Portfolio is a simple, “no compromises” investing solution that allows investors who are serious about founder-led investing to instantly act on the absolute best opportunities we see in the market today.

Plus, when you act BEFORE midnight tonight, you’ll also receive an automatic FREE upgrade to VIP status!

That’s right… If you join before midnight, you’ll also receive access to three VIP bonus reports:

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Every member who joins BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT will receive an automatic upgrade to VIP status!

“Ownership Mentality: The 3 Biggest Winners from the Original U.S. Ownership Portfolio”

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VIP Exclusive

Despite being just over a year since the U.S.’s original version of the Ownership Portfolio was initially launched, members have already seen a score of big winners. That includes these top 3 winners from the portfolio, all of which have more than doubled in the past year alone!
[A $300 value – included with VIP membership!]

“4 Motley Fool-Approved Dividend Stocks Yielding 5%+”

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VIP Exclusive

Avoid the trap of paying up for a bad business just to grab an apparently plump dividend. This report can help you focus on dividend stocks that we believe have the best prospects to keep growing their businesses, see their stock prices rise, AND boost their dividend payouts over the long run. All four of these great businesses currently pay a yield of 5% or more — more than triple the current yield of the S&P 500 as a whole!
[A $300 value – included with VIP membership!]

“Tom Gardner’s 5 Best-Performing Stocks”

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VIP Exclusive

Our CEO and co-founder has picked some of the biggest winners in The Motley Fool U.S.’s 28-year history. Here are his top five performers!
[A $250 value – included with VIP membership!]

All in all, you’re looking at a whopping $850 worth of VIP report value when you join us today as a VIP charter member. Now that you understand why Tom built this unique solution and you’ve gotten your “sneak peek” inside the Ownership Portfolio

Here are the full details on how you can join right now and take advantage of the incredibly generous charter member VIP “Early Bird” invitation we’re extending ONLY until midnight tonight!

That’s right — after tonight, it’s gone. So, let’s talk about what happens when you act decisively and accept this invitation right now… The first and most important thing you’ll gain is immediate access to the stocks featured in the Ownership Portfolio — positioning yourself for possibly greater gains, along with securing the confidence that comes with being a member of one of the most forward-looking and dedicated investment solutions we’ve ever offered. And keep in mind, you’ll have PEACE OF MIND that your interests are perfectly aligned with ours, because your money is invested right alongside (and before) ours — increasing the likelihood that we reach our goals together! We’ve set the list price to become a charter member of the Ownership Portfolio at $1,499. For comprehensive access to a fully allocated portfolio of The Motley Fool’s 40 or so top founder-led companies — with a historical track record of our founder-led picks returning 10X on average — I’d say that’s already a bargain. But with our special charter member “Grand Opening” pricing, we’re immediately knocking a full $500 off the membership price, bringing the price to join down to $999. While I know that’s by no means “cheap,” I do believe it represents an incredible bargain. Particularly when you look at the amazing track record The Motley Fool has built on these exact kinds of founder-led stocks…

The Motley Fool LLC’s first U.S. recommendation of Jensen Huang and Nvidia turned every $10,000 invested into $1,884,500.

The Fool’s first U.S. recommendation of Jeff Bezos and Amazon turned every $10,000 invested into $2,278,900.

And The Fool’s first U.S. recommendation of Reed Hastings and Netflix turned every $10,000 invested into $3,513,200.

For the more visually included out there, here’s a simple chart breaking down the price for you.
The Ownership Portfolio $1,499/year
“Ownership Mentality: The 3 Biggest Winners from the Original U.S. Ownership Portfolio” $300
“4 Motley Fool-Approved Dividend Stocks Yielding 5%+” $300
“Tom Gardner’s 5 Best-Performing Stocks” $250
Total Value, Portfolio + 3 VIP Reports $2,349
The Ownership Portfolio List Price $1,499
Your “Early Bird” Discount for TODAY ONLY! -$500
VIP Offer Total Value: Just $999!
Now, if the price still seems unreasonable for access to the investing system that produced these kinds of returns, the Ownership Portfolio probably isn’t for you.

Especially when you consider today’s limited-time invitation is also supported by The Motley Fool’s Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

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Ironclad 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee is in place!

Here at The Motley Fool, our goal is never to just get you into another service… or the next service, but rather to make sure you feel you’re in the right service given your family’s particular situation and goals. So, when you sign up before tonight’s deadline and grab your $500 “Early Bird” discount in the process, we’ll allow you to follow along with the Ownership Portfolio for up to 30 days… Then, if at any point within the next 30 days you decide the Ownership Portfolio is not helping you build a market-beating portfolio filled with some of the market’s most dynamic and visionary founders, we will allow you to apply your entire membership fee as credit to one of our other Motley Fool Canada portfolio services!
Tom and his team are extremely proud of the work that’s been done to make the Ownership Portfolio the ultimate solution for investors to unearth what we believe is the next round of game-changing founders… That all said, I must issue one final word of warning… We will be raising the price of this charter member VIP offer by $500 the second the clock strikes midnight, so please make sure to sign up before that deadline if you want to lock in our best possible deal. To do so now, simply click the button directly below.

To putting the 10X “Ultimate X-Factor” to use in your own portfolio,

md signature David Hanson VP of Membership The Motley Fool  

Returns as of November 9, 2021 unless otherwise stated. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Teresa Kersten, an employee of LinkedIn, a Microsoft subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Fool contributor Eric Bleeker owns shares of Alphabet (A shares), Amazon, Apple, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Meta Platforms, Inc., and Nvidia. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. The Motley Fool recommends Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, Apple, Fastly, Meta Platforms, Inc., Microsoft, Nvidia, and Qualcomm.

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