Special Free Report From The Motley Fool
By: Nathan Hamilton
Warren Buffett, perhaps one of the greatest investors alive, once declared “You pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus.” In other words, if everyone agrees with your investment idea, then it’s probably wrong.
So buy when there’s blood in the streets, right?
Which is why the Canadian division of renowned investing company The Motley Fool (three of whose U.S. investing newsletters were ranked in The Wall Street Journal as the best performing*) just revealed its next best idea for Canadian investors.
The investing team inside Stock Advisor Canada, Motley Fool Canada’s most popular stock-picking service, has been eyeing shares of this company, patiently waiting to fire off a buy recommendation precisely when they think shares are too good to pass up. That time is now!
And while timing isn’t everything, the history of Motley Fool U.S. recommendations suggests it pays to listen when investing during controversial times, like…
- When Motley Fool first recommended shares of a little-known internet company in 2002, just as investors were reeling from massive tech bubble losses. That controversial buy alert skyrocketed 4,520% since being recommended, turning a $5,000 investment into $231,414!*
- Or just as the financial crisis first broke in 2007, Motley Fool recommended investors scoop up shares of an emerging company taking on industry titans. That early buy alert is now up 3,404%, which turned a $5,000 investment into $175,212!*
But there’s no need to cherry-pick returns.
It’s as simple as this. The average pick inside The Motley Fool’s flagship investing service, Stock Advisor U.S., is beating the market by 3X!
In an era where most professional money managers lose to the market, that sort of track record is remarkable.
Here’s what Canadian investors need to know today: The same market-thumping investing philosophy that’s led to 1st, 2nd, and third place U.S. performance rankings is fully embraced by the team inside Stock Advisor Canada.
Which is why after much research, the Stock Advisor Canada team is recommending to grab shares of this “blood in the streets” stock that’s collapsed more than 40% from recent highs.
Truth is, it takes a guts to fly in the face of controversy and proclaim “I’m pulling the buy trigger now.”
Especially when the majority of so-called investing elites have turned their backs on this stock.
But for such a bold action, history suggests profits could follow. The Motley Fool U.S. has proved it. Savvy investors all around the world have proved it. So could you!
But please note: as of right now, you could miss out because you may not be eligible to access this recommendation.
You see, these buy recommendations are only revealed to Stock Advisor Canada members.
Lucky for you, it’s not too late to join, so I’m going to show you the steps to secure access today.
Simply click here to learn how you can unlock the full details behind this new recommendation and join Stock Advisor Canada.
In case you’re strapped for time, I just tested it myself and joining took less than two minutes.
Please don’t delay – click here now to get started.
*Stocks referenced include Amazon (2002 recommendation) and Netflix (2007 recommendation). Nathan Hamilton owns shares of Amazon and Netflix. The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon and Netflix. Returns as of May 27th, 2016. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. “Look Who’s on Top Now” appeared in The Wall Street Journal which reference Hulbert’s rankings of the best performing newsletters over a 5 year period from 2008-2013.