Special Free Report From The Motley Fool

Pile of Money

By: Jordan DiPietro

Over the course of The Motley Fool U.S.’s 23 year history, this rare buy “signal” has generated massive wealth for those that have been smart enough to pay attention to it.

You see, this powerful buy “signal” is so rare that it’s happened less than three dozen times.

But when it does happen – it’s made investors undoubtedly rich.

The “signal” I’m talking about is when both David and Tom Gardner, celebrated Motley Fool co-founders and stock pickers, recommend the same exact stock, each for their different and respective U.S. newsletters.

They recently did just that…

And, believe it or not, the average return of those picks has been an astonishing 173%.

Even more unbelievable is that those picks, on average, have demolished the market by 108%.

Because when David and Tom agree on a stock, this is what it looks like:

  • Tesla: average return of 498%
  • Copart: average return of 158%
  • Google: average return of 149%
  • Under Armour: average return of 278%
  • Facebook: average return of 189%

The Motley Fool U.S. has amassed a track record that is practically unmatched. And the team inside Stock Advisor Canada fully embraces the same investing philosophy that’s led to countless winners elsewhere.

That’s why we believe you could stand to profit.

Because we at Stock Advisor Canada have an uncanny talent for recognizing historical patterns of success – and then doing our own due diligence for Canadian investor. And what we believe we’ve found – this rare buy “signal” from Dave and Tom — in addition to some powerful trends that should set this company up for monster future growth… is simply too good an opportunity to pass up.

In fact, lead Canadian Adviser, Iain Butler, thinks this is a “lucrative opportunity to put new money to work today.”

Right now the Stock Advisor Canada Team is as about excited as I’ve ever seen them – which is why they just recommended this stock to thousands of loyal members.

If you want to build wealth the easy way and take advantage of this golden opportunity – then you’re going to want to read this.

Click the link below and get access to our exclusive write-up of this legendary stock.




Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. David Gardner owns shares of Alphabet (C shares), Facebook, Tesla Motors, and Under Armour (A Shares). Tom Gardner owns shares of Alphabet (C shares), Facebook, and Tesla Motors. Jordan DiPietro owns shares of Facebook, Tesla, Under Armour, and Facebook. The Motley Fool owns shares of Alphabet (C shares), Facebook, Tesla Motors, and Under Armour (A Shares). All returns are as of December 21, 2016.