Compound (CRYPTO: COMP)

Compound Governance Token (COMP) is a cryptocurrency used for decentralized governance of the Compound protocol, a lending and borrowing platform on Ethereum. COMP holders can propose and vote on changes, earn rewards, and trade the token on exchanges. Created by Robert Leshner in 2018, the platform's decentralized structure allows for democratic decision-making by its community.

$57.33 $0.82 (1.4%) Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 2:59:05 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time

Fundamentals Compound

Last updated Apr 27, 2024, 02:59:05pm EDT
Current Price $57.33
Change $0.82 (1.4%)
Close Price $57.13
Open Price $57.13
Bid $0.00
Ask $0.00
Day Range $53.74 - $57.33
Year Range $23.63 - $103.29
Volume 16,400
Market Cap $573,052,935.94


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