NASDAQ:BMRN (BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.)

About BMRN

BioMarin's focus is on rare-disease therapies. Genzyme (now part of Sanofi) markets Aldurazyme through its joint venture with BioMarin, and BioMarin markets Naglazyme, Vimizim, and Brineura independently. BioMarin also markets Kuvan and Palynziq to treat the rare metabolic disorder PKU (in addition to long-standing U.S. rights, BioMarin has reacquired international rights for Kuvan and Palynziq from Merck KGaA). Voxzogo (vosoritide) was approved in achondroplasia in 2021. BioMarin's Roctavian (hemophilia A gene therapy) is poised to potentially launch in the 2022-23 timeframe.
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