Multiples Are Falling on These Stocks, But Is It Justified or a Buying Opportunity?

While Dollarama Inc. (TSX:DOL) stock falls on decreasing sales, Waste Connections Inc. (TSXLWCN) (NYSE:WCN) and Metro Inc. (TSX:MRU) stock falls in tandem with the market even though their results remain strong.

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The price of a stock price is a function of its fundamental performance, its outlook, and the multiple that investors are willing to ascribe to it.

With the TSX/S&P Composite Index (TSX:^OSPTX) declining 9.5% from July highs, we have seen a general decrease in risk tolerance, as investors rethink the multiples they are willing to pay for stocks.

Metro Inc. (TSX:MRU) stock has declined 9% since its highs this summer, despite continued strong results and dividend increases, in a case of multiple contraction despite continued strong performance.

To illustrate my case, 2018 earnings are expected to be 6.3% higher than 2016 earnings, and the annual dividend was increased by 16% in 2017 to $0.65 per share and by 10.8% earlier this year to the current $0.72 per share.

Metro’s P/E multiple has come down one and a half points to 16.4 times.

With an $11 billion market capitalization and a 1.74% dividend yield, Metro has been and will likely remain a story of consistency, stability, and shareholder wealth creation.

Waste Connections Inc. (TSX:WCN)(NYSE:WCN) stock is down 7.4% since September, as it too falls victim to general market malaise.

But although investors are not willing to pay as high a multiple for it, this stock continues to beat expectations, increase its dividend, and create shareholder value.

Hence making it a very attractive stock despite recent weakness.

Waste Connections remains in good shape to capitalize on the many M&A opportunities that exist, and this, along with pricing strength, will help drive continued growth.

It is a solid, well-run company that is poised to continue to do well even in a weak economy, due to the defensive nature of its business.

Dollarama Inc. (TSX:DOL) stock had been drifting since the end of 2017, in what I believe started as investors general feeling a little more risk averse and unwilling to pay its historically premium P/E multiple, which got up to more than 35 times at one point.

And then, the company reported slower-than-expected same-store-sales growth and the stock got killed. Down 24% in the last month.

And although the current multiple of 22 times this year’s expected earnings is certainly one that I could live with more easily, questions regarding the company growth going forward remain.

A lot has changed for Dollarama, and the stock’s momentum is clearly on the downside.

With what I believe is a concerning consumer environment, with rising interest rates and record-high debt levels, I would be hesitant to buy this stock at this point.

I would continue to watch it for a better entry point once the downward momentum stabilizes, but I would be in no hurry to buy.

This article represents the opinion of the writer, who may disagree with the “official” recommendation position of a Motley Fool premium service or advisor. We’re Motley! Questioning an investing thesis — even one of our own — helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer, so we sometimes publish articles that may not be in line with recommendations, rankings or other content.

Fool contributor Karen Thomas has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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