Why BMO’s Global Infrastructure ETF Is the Only TSX Stock You Need

BMO Global Infrastructure Index ETF (TSX:ETF) is the only TSX stock you need for passive income, solid cash flow, and long-term growth.

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The TSX today remains a place of volatility, thanks to falling TSX stocks combined with rising interest rates and inflation. As of writing, the TSX remains down 7.32% year to date. That’s an improvement but still within market correction territory, as it’s down about 12% from 52-week highs.

Still, there’s a way to gain some stability during this turbulent time. It simply means finding the right TSX stock. Luckily, I have just the thing.

BMO Global Infrastructure ETF

BMO Global Infrastructure Index ETF (TSX:ZGI) is a strong option for Motley Fool investors looking to get out of the volatile market. Infrastructure provides you with stable cash flows from predictable industries. These include things like water, gas, hydro, and other necessities that we simply cannot live without.

In the case of BMO, it’s created an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that focuses on the stable industry. The ETF has 48 holdings all in TSX stocks, with current total net assets valued at $561,166,131. The ETF itself has performed quite well, seeing shares rise (yes, rise) 6.5% year to date and up 10.15% in the last month and a half alone.

So, this is all great news right now, but why should Motley Fool investors hold onto this stock long term?

A solid long-term option

For that, investors should look to the historical performance of the TSX stock, but also the Dow Jones Brookfield Global Infrastructure North American Listed Index. ZGI goes back to 2009, when ETFs were first introduced in Canada. Since the Dow Jones went live in 2012, ZGI has sought to replicate its performance.

The companies these two indexes invest in tend to be quite large, if not full-on blue-chip companies that have taken on an entire industry. These companies have the money necessary to build new facilities and create more growth. This comes with predictable cash flow, but also predictable dividends.

That’s what makes the TSX stock a strong long-term option. You can look back at history and pretty much guarantee growth for the future. And what’s better still is that ZGI is an ETF to begin with. There isn’t any reason it has to stay hooked to a dying industry, such as oil and gas. It can shift its investments with the times, continuing to create stable share growth for Motley Fool investors.

Invest now

So, with long-term growth, what’s the benefit of investing now? Canadians may have noticed that this TSX stock and others have been in rebound mode over the last month or so. This rebound makes it a great time to buy the stock while still down, but with a higher likelihood of a positive climb.

Further, there are more infrastructure opportunities the company can explore. This might include telecommunications, airport infrastructure, and more. All areas that have become necessary in the last few decades. Finally, all this is offered around the world, making it a great way to invest and diversify your portfolio.

Shares of ZGI trade at just $45 as of writing and pay a dividend of 3.34%.

This article represents the opinion of the writer, who may disagree with the “official” recommendation position of a Motley Fool premium service or advisor. We’re Motley! Questioning an investing thesis — even one of our own — helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer, so we sometimes publish articles that may not be in line with recommendations, rankings or other content.

Fool contributor Amy Legate-Wolfe has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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